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Entries with Jake Puckerman (17)

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The Ties that Bind

Blaine and Kurt are dating, in a long-term relationship, with New York City as their playground. Everything is as close to perfect for the two of them as can be, especially for Blaine, who's living the dream as a songwriter beside his up-and-coming designer boyfriend, both of them without a care in the world. Until one night, he'll find himself connected in a bizarre way to seven other human beings he's never met, trying to solve a mystery - the hunt for a killer and to save a life, all while trying to come to terms with his new forced membership into the collective.

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Cathouse Kurt

Kurt's father is dying, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Burt Hummel has built up so much debt trying to make a better life for his family that when he goes, everything the Hummel family owns will go with him. On top of losing the father he loves, Kurt will lose every dream he has of leaving his home town of Defiance, OH, to go to New York. But it's not just Kurt's dream that's in jeopardy. He has his stepmother, and a pregnant sister-in-law to consider, too. So in order to ensure that they have a future, Kurt makes a deal with the one man his father owes most of his money to - Paul Karofsky. Mr. Karofsky will erase the Hummel family's debt, as long as Kurt agrees to marry his son, David. Kurt hopes that if he can knuckle through, his stepmother and sister-in-law will be safe, and maybe he might end up in New York after all. But his marriage to David turns out to be an abusive one, that leads him to the doorstep of The Canary Cage Saloon, and a second deal with its charming owner - Blaine Anderson - this time to save his life.

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You Were Only Waiting

Things break. Things are unreliable. Things fall apart. Blaine is a loner and is hated by everyone. Kurt is popular and hates Blaine. They are partnered up together for their social studies assignment. Blaine is broken and just wants to be left alone. Can Kurt fix him? AU

E - Closed - Chapters: 11/? - Words: 15,571 - Updated: May 18, 2014
2,757 0 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Jake Puckerman, Kurt Hummel, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), Noah Puckerman,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

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You're Still An Innocent

After the humiliation of being left the morning after a one night stand, Kurt just wants to forget about what he did with too much eggnog in his system and move on with his life. Too bad he finds himself staring at a positive pregnancy test six weeks later - post-5x08 reaction fic

E - Words: 24,834 - Updated: Jan 30, 2014
2,594 2 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Jake Puckerman, Kitty Wilde, Kurt Hummel, Marley Rose, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez,
Tags: mpreg, hurt/comfort,

Private Academy for Performing Arts

When Blaine's big brother, Cooper, gets a job teaching at Ohio's most prestigious academy for the arts Blaine is quickly enrolled as one of the best students. He along with Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, and Kurt Hummel make up the best of the best at PAPA. (Glee season 3/4 rewrite slight AU)


There is a new girl at school, Amdis. She & Kurt become fast friends. When Kurt discovers his new friends secret he must team up with her twin brother to help her.-Sorry. I suck at summeries.-Warnings:Eating Disorder, self harm.

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The Games We Play

A new victim appears and Blaine connects it to previous cases that Kurt's team has left unsolved. But will it bring Blaine too close to the case? Will he put himself in danger by revealing just how close he really is to the pool of suspects?

Banner Factory

Who doesn't like an awesome banner to go with their even awesomer Klaine fic? Leave a request and the factory will be in motion!

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What if Burt wasn't Kurt's father? What if Kurt's parents were drug addicts? Kurt Hummel is the son of two drug addicts and the nephew of an abusive uncle. How will Kurt cope when he can't tell anyone?

The Lines are Blurred but Try to See the Truth

Blangst Prompt of the Day #429 fillTrigger Warning: rape

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Second Chances

Swan's Song

Last book in the Second Chances Series, returned to Kurt's point of view. Familiar faces gather in New York to keep Blaine alive. After Blaine's suicide attempt Kurt is working twice as hard to keep the man he loves around. only time can tell before the swan opens his mouth to sing his final song. "The silver swan, who, living had no note, When death approached unlocked [his] silent throat.-Orlando Gibbons

Hilltown Chronicles

An orphaned Kurt moves to a sleepy backward Hilltown, to live with his Uncle Burt and his family. He decides it's his new life, where he'll keep his secrets hidden and create a new outlook for himself. With the hostile Trinity and their friends, and Puck as a protector with his protective circle of friends, Kurt realizes that mingling in with the crowd isn't as easy as he thought. Then there's the mysterious Blaine, leader of mysterious Warblers. And the constant surveillance of his friends. And Mayor Smyth's tyrannical rule. Kurt realizes that he isn't the only one with secrets. Hilltown itself is full of them.

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Blaine For Prom King

It's prom time again at McKinley High!

M - Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Words: 3,051 - Updated: May 03, 2013
1,001 0 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Jake Puckerman, Kitty Wilde, Kurt Hummel, Marley Rose, Principal Figgins, Sam Evans, Sugar Motta, Tina Cohen-Chang,

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Espresso Yourself barista Blaine Anderson has certain rules for his home deliveries. No kissing. No barebacking. No pain. No asking questions. Don't expect him to still be there in the morning. And the most important, unspoken for a hope of never facing it: don't fall in love.


shooting at McKinley High school ,lives are put in danger will everyone make it out alive