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Entries with Ryder Lynn (13)

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Stories That I Can't Explain

I don't know who I am or where I am. But there's only one thing that I'm sure of, I'm supposed to be irresistibly and irrevocably in love with Kurt Hummel. Amnesia AU.

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The High Road

When Kurt picks up a curly haired hitchhiker on a drive to Seattle, he is forced to re-examine how he's been living his life and why.

E - Complete - Chapters: 22/? - Words: 28,458 - Updated: Mar 19, 2014
72,029 0 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, David Martinez, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Ryder Lynn, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez,


Kurt Hummel use to have a normal life, he have friends and a lovely family. All was perfect until a boys arrived to mckinley, Blaine Anderson. Blaine seems to be a quite shy and normal boy, only he wasn't. Blaine act all nomal with everyone but when he was alone with Kurt he turn to be a boy of nightmares. Innocent!Kurt Dark!Blaine

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Private Academy for Performing Arts

When Blaine's big brother, Cooper, gets a job teaching at Ohio's most prestigious academy for the arts Blaine is quickly enrolled as one of the best students. He along with Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, and Kurt Hummel make up the best of the best at PAPA. (Glee season 3/4 rewrite slight AU)

Banner Factory

Who doesn't like an awesome banner to go with their even awesomer Klaine fic? Leave a request and the factory will be in motion!

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What if Burt wasn't Kurt's father? What if Kurt's parents were drug addicts? Kurt Hummel is the son of two drug addicts and the nephew of an abusive uncle. How will Kurt cope when he can't tell anyone?

The Lines are Blurred but Try to See the Truth

Blangst Prompt of the Day #429 fillTrigger Warning: rape

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Espresso Yourself barista Blaine Anderson has certain rules for his home deliveries. No kissing. No barebacking. No pain. No asking questions. Don't expect him to still be there in the morning. And the most important, unspoken for a hope of never facing it: don't fall in love.


shooting at McKinley High school ,lives are put in danger will everyone make it out alive

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A Different Kind Of Love

"We're from two different world's Blaine. You're practically made of money and i'm some cheap stripper hoping to make enough for my next meal. How could you ever be in love with someone like me?" Blaine Anderson is a man of wealth,he's always done right by his father, but when he stumbles across a very gorgeous dancer named Kurt, will he follow his heart? Better read than Summary:D

A Glee Potter Musical

The season 4 New Directions are putting on A Very Potter Musical instead of Grease. Timeline sets around TRYWBTP and DIVA.

Head of State

January 20th, 2033 is the most important day of Blaine Anderson's life. Too bad for him that everyone else seems far more concerned with his (supposedly) non-existent love life than the fact that he is now the most powerful man in the world. A White House!Klaine AU, very loosely inspired by The West Wing (you don't have to have seen the show).