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Entries with Jacob Ben Israel (23)

Social Glee-dia

A series of social media posts which follow the episodes starting from S3 E1 and also taking requests. (Requests can focus on private chats as well as posts etc.) I will be referencing Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. (perhaps more soon?;))

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Challenges & Changes(C&C 2.0)

Blaine stopped talking to Kurt when he was 9. What happens when you see the name of your soulmate mark is your ex best friend?! This is a story about best friends turned enemies turned soulmates?? Is klaine really endgame? Guess you'll have to read to find out😉... Bully-ish!Blaine SemiBadAss!Kurt. This is a re-write if Changes and Challenges. I got off track of my story line so I cheated and did a re-write. Things will get crazier in this story so hold on to your metaphorical seats my friends. Hopefully this re-write will pique your interest

The Discovery

Being the youngest looking CIA operative, Blaine Anderson is assigned a mission to go undercover as a student in one William McKinley High School to retrieve a very valuable discovery. Not knowing what to expect, he dives into the mission head first for his main objective. However, the Elizabeth Discovery is not the only thing he discovers as the mission unravels.

Private Academy for Performing Arts

When Blaine's big brother, Cooper, gets a job teaching at Ohio's most prestigious academy for the arts Blaine is quickly enrolled as one of the best students. He along with Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, and Kurt Hummel make up the best of the best at PAPA. (Glee season 3/4 rewrite slight AU)

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Anderson & Hummel

Set around the late 1920's early 30's. Blaine Anderson is a private detective in search of the mass serial killer 'Jewfro' but when he thinks he almost has him he runs into homeless orphan Kurt Hummel who will not only help him in the case but also question himself and everything around him.

E - Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Words: 2,256 - Updated: Mar 01, 2013
504 0 0 0 1
Categories: Crime, Drama, General, Mystery, Romance, Suspense,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Jacob Ben Israel, Kurt Hummel, Lord Tubbington,
Tags: character death, established relationship,

A Glee Potter Musical

The season 4 New Directions are putting on A Very Potter Musical instead of Grease. Timeline sets around TRYWBTP and DIVA.

Protect The Innocence.

What if the kiss between Dave and Kurt never happened? Instead Kurt was beaten up in the locker room? Causing a trip to the hospital and meeting a Dr. Blaine Anderson.I would like to thank WarbleretteLauren for allowing me to adopt her story, she wrote the first three chapters and then allowed me to continue it.I hope you all enjoy :)

First Years and Friendly Introductions

A Glee/Harry Potter crossover fic. When Kurt Hummel climbed aboard the Hogwart express on the first of September, he was prepared for his life to change. What he wasn't prepared for, was the group of people he'd share a compartment on the train with. In which Kurt meets Blaine, Harry, Ron, Rachel, Hermione, and Mercedes and they all become best friends. A very plot-y fic. Not much angst or fluff (they're eleven) but a whole lot of cute growing up :)

Storybook Love

Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles. The Princess Bride!Klaine

T - Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Words: 9,211 - Updated: Jan 04, 2013
3,965 0 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Azimio Adams, Blaine Anderson, David Karofsky, Finn Hudson, Jacob Ben Israel, Kurt Hummel, Mike Chang, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Sebastian Smythe, Sue Sylvester,

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As You Wish

Home sick from school, Lily's uncle comes over to tell her an epic tale of fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, miracles, and true love. or Princess Bride!AU (Buttercup!Kurt and Westley! Blaine)

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Love Was Made For Us

Kurt Hummels life is a living hell. That is until, Blaine Anderson pops into his life. Although, Kurt wishes their relationship would be more than 'friends' Blaine is completely clueless to his feelings for him. Will Klaine happen? (I am not good at summarys.) (And I might add self-harm in this story. I don't know.)

E - Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Words: 2,668 - Updated: Jul 27, 2012
455 0 0 0 1
Categories: Angst, AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, General, Humor, Romance, Songfics, Suspense, Tragedy,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Azimio Adams, Becky Jackson, Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Chandler Kiehl, Cooper Anderson, David Karofsky, David Martinez, Emma Pillsbury, Finn Hudson, Jacob Ben Israel, Jeff, Jeremiah, Kurt Hummel, Lord Tubbington, Mercedes Jones, Mike Chang, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), Mrs. Anderson (Blaine's Mother), Nick, Noah Puckerman, OC, Pavarotti, Principal Figgins, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Rory Flanagan, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez, Sebastian Smythe, Sheldon Beiste, Sue Sylvester, Sugar Motta, Thad, Tina Cohen-Chang, Trent, Wes,
Tags: character death, established relationship, first time, friendship, futurefic, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

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Extras Verse

Down With A Thump

The twisted souls of the McKinley Muckraker can destroy someone's carefully crafted reputation with just a perfectly placed camera, video camera, microphone and access to the bowels of the school's electricity and photocopiers. AU - set in the Extras verse.

Love Conquers All

Blaine suddently moves from Westerville to Lima, Ohio looking for a fresh start. He runs into some 'Special' people. Who will he meet? What will he do? FootballPlayer!Nerd!Blaine, Cheerio!Kurt.

T - In Progress - Chapters: 7/? - Words: 9,308 - Updated: May 20, 2013
7,158 0 0 0 11
Categories: AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Becky Jackson, Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Jacob Ben Israel, Kurt Hummel, Quinn Fabray, Santana Lopez, Sebastian Smythe, Sue Sylvester, Tina Cohen-Chang, Will Schuester,

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When Will It End?

AU in which the New Directions and the Warblers take their rivalry to the extreme,and violence erupts.So what happens when Kurt and Blaine,sworn enemies,meet by chance?