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Entries with Brittany Pierce (513)

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Vampires and Werewolves

Fate is funny sometimes. In order to keep the peace between Vampires and Werewolves, a child of an Alpha and a child of a Lord has to mate. Fate chooses a Werewolf Alpha Blaine Anderson and Vampire Kurt Hummel. Things are a bumpy road, full of fights, vampiring out, and turning into a uncontrolled beasts.

Be Still, My Foolish Heart

I wouldn't know where to start Sweet music playing in the dark Be still, my foolish heart Don't ruin this on me

Drabble prompt fills


Week 1 of the Gleedrabbleblog on Tumblr. August 22 - 28 This weeks prompt: HARVEST

T - Complete - Chapters: 3/3 - Words: 300 - Updated: Oct 27, 2022
438 0 0 0 0
Warnings: Chapter 1 mentions an organ transplant with a good outcome.
Categories: Angst, Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: parent Blaine Anderson, Gleedrabbleblog, drabbles, organ donation, apple picking, egg donation,

Wild Rose

I cried for you When the sky cried for you And when you went I became a hopeless drifter They never believed this would happen. Not to them. They were too happy for such a tragedy. What do you do when the world as you know it has ended? How do you say goodbye to such a vital part of your own heart? *This is a very sad story, but above all, a loving tribute to parents all over the world who have fought to keep their children safe and happy. Thank you for all that you do and have done.*

T - Words: 1,325 - Updated: Oct 27, 2022
612 0 0 0
Warnings: This story is a eulogy, and as such deals with grief. While I did not set out to write it this way, some real life events were too fitting not to pay tribute to with this fic. There are no graphic descriptions, but if you know of the real life events, you can imagine what happened. There is character death, but don't worry. I could never (permanently) harm Kurt and Blaine <3 Please remember that your mental health will always be more important than any story! Don’t read this if you think it will trigger you in a bad way. If you want to know more before reading, contact me here or on tumblr (cerriddwenluna) and I’d be happy to help out :)
Categories: Songfics, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez,
Tags: character death, eulogy, bittersweet ending, song lyrics, (co-)parenthood, parent Blaine Anderson, parent Kurt Hummel, parent Santana Lopez, Parent Brittany S. Pierce, healthy grieving, no klaine deaths I promise, inspired by real life events, this may be a very sad fic but it is also very loving,

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The Ties that Bind

Blaine and Kurt are dating, in a long-term relationship, with New York City as their playground. Everything is as close to perfect for the two of them as can be, especially for Blaine, who's living the dream as a songwriter beside his up-and-coming designer boyfriend, both of them without a care in the world. Until one night, he'll find himself connected in a bizarre way to seven other human beings he's never met, trying to solve a mystery - the hunt for a killer and to save a life, all while trying to come to terms with his new forced membership into the collective.

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Hidden in the Deep

Kurt Hummel's only concern was getting the perfect role in the perfect Broadway show. But when one night he witnesses a real nightmare, Kurt's focus shifts from saving his career to saving something much more important: his own life.

E - Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Words: 78,540 - Updated: Dec 17, 2016
12,819 0 3 0 1
Categories: Angst, AU, Crime, Drama, Romance, Suspense,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez,

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It Takes Two

In 2009, recent college graduate Kurt Hummel takes a job as talent agent Ari Gold's assistant and is asked to pretend date Blaine Anderson to help with the actor's coming out. All hell breaks lose when a jealous co-star and the media get involved.

M - Complete - Chapters: 15/15 - Words: 65,748 - Updated: Dec 15, 2016
2,998 1 3 0 0
Categories: AU, Crossover, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson, David Martinez, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Nick, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Wes,

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Let me melt

AU. Blaine is 21 and attending college in New York. His parents (they are nice for a change) insist that he would join them and Cooper one last time for a family vacation in the Hamptons in a nice resort. He's not looking forward to spend his whole summer with his parents and Cooper, but maybe he'll meet someone special along the way...(There are similarities to Dirty Dancing in the plot, but it develops into its own story.)Rated M for language and adult sexual themes!

E - Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Words: 42,262 - Updated: Jun 26, 2016
4,389 1 2 0 0
Categories: Angst, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Cooper Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez,

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The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership

PLEASE HEAD OVER TO AO3 TO READ ON. (url below) setting. Warning for INCREDIBLY DARK FIC! I am an evil writer and don't like the predictableThe prologue (chapter 2) explains the setting, but in summary: The world is split into hums (humans) and subs(submissives). A sub is very costly, and highly fought after. Every hum wants to own a sub, but only those who are rich can afford one.On a childs 16th birthday they get tested to see if they are a sub, or if they can continue their life as a normal human being. No one wants to be a sub - many would prefer death than this life style. It isn't just the life of a slave, it's the life of an object, a living sex toy.(A sub slavery fic with a difference) This fic is set in Blaine's point of view, and follows him all the way. Feel free to message me on ( my tumblr at any time, if you want to just say hi or have a complete essay long fangirl chat! And if you are concerned about the warmings, please drop me a message or leave a comment and i will get back to you with a bit more detail!thanks! And enjoy! (also posted on AO3, copied over directly so some notes may seem a little strange) Major warnings for: descriptions of violence, major charactor death, rape/non con, underage (charactors aged 16+)

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Getting To Happily Ever After

Post Season 5. Kurt pushes the love of this life away as he struggles with his lack of understanding of himself and his resistance to face his fears. Blaine allows his insecurities to make him give up on Kurt as he pushes him away. Isn't finding your soulmate supposed to make being with each other easy? Were they too young to get engaged? Are there some mistakes you just can't come back from? This story is cannon with a few character relationship changes up to Season 6. This is a remake of season 6 Klaine's storyline that I felt did the characters better justice.

M - Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Words: 39,659 - Updated: Feb 06, 2016
12,049 1 3 0 0
Categories: Angst, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Burt Hummel, Elliott Gilbert, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez,
Tags: established relationship, soulmates, hurt/comfort,

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Never know

Blaine and Kurt meet again after some years apart. They were never couple...but could the be now?

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Dangerous Work

If anything Blaine Anderson has an ideal life. He lives in a New York penthouse with his best friend and has a goregous boyfriend. The only thing that could mess it up is the fact that he moonlights as a drug lord.

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My Heart Waits in Winter

Fantasy AU. Ever since Blaine was cursed by a fey witch as a small child, he's been locked in a tower of his father's keep. Still, he dreams of freedom, though those dreams are haunted.Written for Klaine Advent 2015. Initially with the goal of 500 words/prompt, but toward the end, they got a bit longer!Warnings for child abuse, imprisonment, neglect, drugging, abduction, brief threat of sexual assault, and mild sexual content.Happy ending guaranteed.

M - Words: 18,433 - Updated: Jan 02, 2016
861 4 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance, Supernatural,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Kurt Hummel, Sam Evans,
Tags: friendship, soulmates,

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This Time Around

After five years of Marriage, Kurt and Blaine decided to quit. Time passed and they found their paths have crossed again. When hurt and heart breaks have been exchange, will they be given a second chance, or this time around, their story will end forever?

E - Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Words: 10,424 - Updated: Dec 07, 2015
1,044 0 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, Romance,
Characters: Brittany Pierce, Nick, OC, Santana Lopez, Sebastian Smythe,
Tags: futurefic,

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My Brother's Keeper

Doctor Blaine Anderson travels to New York to stay with his baby sister Rachel. But instead of focusing on his family or his new job all sights are set on the beautiful journalist Kurt Hummel who happens to be his sister's best friend.