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Imperfect Love
When Kurt Hummel won a VIP pass to meet his favorite singer Blaine Anderson, he was expecting an autograph. When Blaine gives him his phone number instead their lives are changed forever with plenty of twists along the way. Friends to lovers, with an older worldly jaded Blaine and young, naïve Kurt.

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Category Is...
(Originally published September 2, 2018) It's 1989 and Blaine has been disowned by his parents. Lost in New York, he stumbles upon a found family in the House of Evangelista, but his heart is drawn to the vogue champion Porcelain Abundance. A Glee/Pose AU. Written for the 2018 Todaydreambeliever Klaine Fic Exchange.

After Kurt's bad day, Blaine comes up with a (slightly dangerous) way to make his husband feel better. Until their daughter comes home. Then Kurt's day goes from bad to worse.

Quite a Stir
It's Friday dinner night and Tracy is pissed. She wants to go out and be with her friends, but Kurt puts his foot down, daring fate to intervene .... and fate comes through.
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Glorious Christmas
After ten years of marriage, Blaine and Kurt want to spend this holiday alone with just the two of them.

Blaine's Bicycle Dilemma
After Blaine fails at putting together his daughter's big Christmas present, he is forced to call in a professional for help ... which definitely does not put him in the running for son-in-law of the year.

Under My Skin
After a long night of delousing poor Tracy's hair, Blaine is eager to keep Kurt up, regardless of how tired he is. And Kurt helps out, by doing something unintentionally stupid.

Love's Pure Light
Blaine, Kurt, and their daughter, Tracy, are taking a tour of the houses in their neighborhood all done up for the holidays. After Tracy falls asleep, Blaine shows Kurt the house he likes the best.

Difficult as Pie
Old body issues crop up for Blaine when he enters a pie eating contest at Tracy's school in an attempt to win her first prize.
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Rude Interruption
Tracy wakes up in the middle of the night to what she thinks are the sounds of her Papa being eaten alive … Well, she's almost right ...

Klaine : Daddies
Set when Kurt is 27 and Blaine 26 their journey into parenthood

Love Will Keep Us Young
Kurt, Blaine, and Beth celebrate their first Christmas together as a family.

The Sound of Music
Klaine if it was the story The Sound of Music.

You Must Bring a Hat
After Blaine exposes Tracy to a G-rated version of his Tom Hardy infatuation for the hundredth time, Kurt finds a way to retaliate using a past obsession of his own.

Life Ruiner
Kurt overhears Blaine telling their daughter, Tracy, a bedtime story, which happens to be their story, except it doesn't quite end the way Kurt thinks it will ...