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Entries with Sheldon Beiste (36)

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Challenges & Changes(C&C 2.0)

Blaine stopped talking to Kurt when he was 9. What happens when you see the name of your soulmate mark is your ex best friend?! This is a story about best friends turned enemies turned soulmates?? Is klaine really endgame? Guess you'll have to read to find out😉... Bully-ish!Blaine SemiBadAss!Kurt. This is a re-write if Changes and Challenges. I got off track of my story line so I cheated and did a re-write. Things will get crazier in this story so hold on to your metaphorical seats my friends. Hopefully this re-write will pique your interest

Alternative Season 6

An alternative take on season 6. This won't be a complete AU as I will still incorporate some of the season 6 themes and characters, but the storylines will be different. If you're dissatisfied with RIB's season 6, maybe give this one a chance.

Owl Post

Its hard to stay chipper when everyone starts dating. Blaine Anderson has tried to find a nice boy to date now that his friends have paired off, but luck isn't on his side. The only boy he wants doesn't know he exists. Kurt Hummel knows who he wants, but its impossible. Blaine will never notice him. It could never work as long as he's a Slytherin. Hogwarts!Klaine AU

Secretly Admired

Blaine has watched Kurt walk through the halls of school everyday since he had transferred to McKinley high. Being the new kid and not knowing where or with whom he fits in with, he spends his first month of school alone silently watching everything. Meanwhile Kurt feels like he is constantly being watched. He used to think he was just paranoid, waiting for the bullies to come after him, but now he's not so sure.. See how Kurt later discovers he has a secret admirer and sets off to discover who it is.. And when someone admits to wooing Kurt, is he the only one?

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The Highlander

Kurt loses a bet to Blaine and has to do something embarrassing. Kilts are involved.

E - Complete - Chapters: 10/? - Words: 17,779 - Updated: May 05, 2014
9,932 0 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Sheldon Beiste, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: established relationship,

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Smoke and the Beauty of Literature

Pairing: Klaine, teacher!Blaine/Skank!Kurt. Summary: Blaine Anderson finds passion is reading, music, and doing what he loves... teaching. Kurt Hummel finds passion in one thing: smoke. Both have suffered tragedy, loss, blame, and harm. Both have become victims of themselves. What happens when this scarred skank becomes attached to this broken teacher? This lustful affair will live on with smoke and the beauty of literature. Warning: drug use, self-harm, talk of suicide, underaged drinking

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Blue Eyes and Electric Sheep

In a post-apocalyptic world where nuclear dust forces everyone to either emigrate or degenerate, caring for the precious few remaining animals is raised to almost a religion, false animals and people are harder and harder to detect, and the state has a vested interest in child-producing marriages, Blaine is a bounty-hunter who finds himself falling for Kurt, who represents everything that is forbidden.

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Private Academy for Performing Arts

When Blaine's big brother, Cooper, gets a job teaching at Ohio's most prestigious academy for the arts Blaine is quickly enrolled as one of the best students. He along with Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, and Kurt Hummel make up the best of the best at PAPA. (Glee season 3/4 rewrite slight AU)


There is a new girl at school, Amdis. She & Kurt become fast friends. When Kurt discovers his new friends secret he must team up with her twin brother to help her.-Sorry. I suck at summeries.-Warnings:Eating Disorder, self harm.

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They Didn't Know This Would Happen

Santana takes Kurt to a gay bar, shortly after his sixteenth birthday. There he meets a man. Then, the unexpected happens.Warning: Age Difference, Eventual Teacher/Student, Smut

One More Night

Blaine had it all. He was popular and dating the hottest girl in the school. However, not everything was as it seemed. Meanwhile, Kurt was the only openly gay in school. He was hopelessly in love with Blaine, but He knew he had no chance with him. But one night they run into each other in gay bar and it turned out that Blaine was gay as well and their feelings for each other were mutual. After that they started seeing each other but Blaine wanted to keep their romance a secret because he was afraid to come out and he didn't want to lose his reputation...

Shooting star (My way)

How the shooting star episode should have gone/ What if Kurt was the one stuck in the bathroom instead of Brittany?

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Oh Simple Thing, Where Have You Gone?

Kurt went to New York with the New Directions for National and he was so excited to be there. What happens when Kurt disappears; no one knowing what has happening to Kurt, with the last trace of Kurt left in a voicemail to Blaine? Will Kurt be found and will he ever be reunited with his loved ones? And if he is found, what happens them?

Waves upon the still waters

Titanic AU. Just when Kurt Hummel thought there was no hope for him to findhappinessof any capacity, he is met with the most beautiful serendipity lifebestowed upon him. But will this momentary happiness last?

T - Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Words: 1,185 - Updated: Jun 15, 2013
1,450 0 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Karofsky, Kurt Hummel, Sam Evans, Sheldon Beiste, Sue Sylvester,
Tags: character death, first time, mpreg, hurt/comfort,