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Entries with Mercedes Jones (576)

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Drabble Collection

Title is pretty much it. Just some Drabbles, ranging in rating. I'll change the rating when a higher rated one is added, but all will be marked at the start with their own individual rating. Unrelated unless stated. Feel free to send a suggestion!

E - Complete - Chapters: 12/? - Words: 12,919 - Updated: Feb 08, 2015
3,730 0 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Sebastian Smythe,
Tags: established relationship, family, futurefic,

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Every Lifetime

In a different world Kurt has suffered a life full of lies, death, abuse, disorders, depression, and foster families. Will Kurt and Blaine really find each other in every lifetime? Kurt has been in foster care for the last seven years to find out that his dad never died before he was born like his mother said. Now Kurt has a real family, but when an old one is in town Kurt is faced with years of frightening suppressed memories.Trigger warning for abuse and rape, eating disorders, depression, and suicidal thoughts/ actions.

The summer that changed my life

Kurt had gone through a rather hard year at McKinley. The new directions decides to cheer him up and get him on a plane to spend a vacation together. Little did he know that one summer could change his life.

T - Complete - Chapters: 10/? - Words: 17,874 - Updated: Jan 23, 2015
9,413 0 1 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Brittany Pierce, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Mike Chang, Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: friendship,

Alternative Season 6

An alternative take on season 6. This won't be a complete AU as I will still incorporate some of the season 6 themes and characters, but the storylines will be different. If you're dissatisfied with RIB's season 6, maybe give this one a chance.

Instagram It

InstagramKurt-Hummel264 Posts 408 Followers 250 followingMy name's Kurt. I'm a fashionista, future artist/broadway star and part of McKinley's Glee Club show choir #NewDirections. @GleeClubMcKinley @NewDirections

K - Complete - Chapters: 24/? - Words: 41,940 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
26,558 0 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Azimio Adams, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Santana Lopez,
Tags: established relationship,

Try For Your Love

With Kurt planning the couple's accommodation at NYU, Blaine decides to come clean about his feelings on their college choice. He soon realises his mistake and tries to make up for it with a song.

K - Words: 2,773 - Updated: Jan 18, 2015
994 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, Romance, Songfics,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones,
Tags: established relationship,

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Testosterone Boys

Two boys, a fake ID, and an alcoholic teen in the preppiest private school in Ohio. What could go wrong? Badboy!AU

E - Closed - Chapters: 3/? - Words: 5,870 - Updated: Dec 27, 2014
2,049 0 1 0 0
Categories: Angst, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Chandler Kiehl, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: bad boy AU, first time,

Out of Nowhere

Kurt is shopping for jeans, minding his own business, when a sexy stranger comes up to him with a strange request.

T - Words: 1,284 - Updated: Dec 21, 2014
1,407 0 0 0
Categories: AU, Drama,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Marley Rose, Mercedes Jones,

Life Goes On

Blaine and Kurt continuetheir journeythrough life together along with Emma who is ready to start kindergarten and Elizabeth who is three and soon tobe four. Follow along as wewitness the ups and downs the future has in store for this young family and how they deal with the issues.This story takes place after the stories The Truth Always Comes Out and Family and Friends. The two previous stories will help you with background but are not necessarily required reading tounderstand this third related story.

Come What May

When Kurt Hummel moved to New York with his boyfriend of two years, he didn't know what to expect. Meeting Blaine Anderson in a coffee shop hardly seemed like much. But falling in love, and helping Blaine through one of the biggest obstacles of his life became a life-changing adventure.

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Blaine's ordinary life is turned upside down when on vacation in Ireland he stumbles upon a small village tucked away and seemingly untouched by the outside world. The people of Folaigh almost seem magical especially the mysterious and compelling Kurt Hummel who is quickly stealing Blaine's heart. Kurt longs for adventure and love, he just hopes the secrets of Folaigh won't end up breaking his heart and keeping him from Blaine.

M - Complete - Chapters: 19/? - Words: 87,212 - Updated: Oct 24, 2014
9,132 0 3 0 2
Categories: Angst, Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance, Supernatural,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Quinn Fabray,

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Broadway Babies

Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson were Broadway's most promising young talents and best friends. When Kurt moves to Lima, Ohio they believe that they will never see each other again. There is violence and smut in this.


Blaine's a really introverted guy who's always been perfectly content with living in his own small imaginary world. But what will happen when he starts having feelings for one of his fantasies?

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Blaine Anderson has had a crush on Kurt Hummel for years. They come from two different worlds- Kurt is the most beautiful and one of the most popular Cheerios on the squad, Blaine is so nerdy that he's surprised Kurt knows he exists. After finding out Kurt has an account on a gay hook up and dating app Blaine decides to do something drastic to get a little bit closer to his crush. Cheerio!Kurt. Nerd!Blaine. Catfish!Klaine.

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Kurt is forced to leave Lima and move i with his new family, The Hudsons, in Westerville. He knows absolutely no one there and is about to join a brand new school where he comes across a very famaliar face...

M - Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Words: 3,799 - Updated: Sep 05, 2014
437 0 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Rachel Berry, Wes,
Tags: friendship,