- Joined: Mar 31, 2015 Submissions: 34 Library: 34
Heymy name is Dana, I'm from Germany, I'm part italian, I'm in my thirties and I love Klaine and Glee. I'm a passionate fanfiction reader and I love to get in contact with people who love the same things (because friends and family have nothing in common with me in that case:-)So get the Party started :-)
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The prophecy
AU Kurt has a power. He can look into the future. Blaine doesn't believe in this nonsense but he lost a bet with his friends and pays Kurt a visit to let him predict his future. Kurt sees more than he expected... and panics...
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Falling in love - across the ocean
Klaine AU: Who knew that accidentally switching your bag at the airport with a stranger would end up like this? Or: How Kurt and Blaine fell in love without meeting each other...Rated M for language and adult themes
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When you're about to give up
Soulmate-AU Kurt is 19 and longs for his soulmate. You know who your soulmate is, when you share the first kiss with that person. Most of his friends found their perfect match when they hit age at 16. Rachel and Kurt are in New York by now. And lonely. After many tries of kissing strangers to find his soulmate, he's about to give up on finding his love...
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I just want you home for Christmas
Kurt waits desperately for his husband to come home in time for Christmas. Their twin sons are waiting for their daddy too. Will he make it in time for his sons 4th birthday?
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Give it a chance
AU! Blaine is a rockstar. Kurt is a pop singer. Their managements decide that it would be a great idea for both singers to collaborate in a duet...
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What I need most is love
Kurt and Blaine are 48 years old and Blaine finds a box with Kurt's name on it. When Kurt opens the box, they discover his old diaries and start a journey through Kurt's live... good and bad... Rated M for language and adult sexual themes
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Let me melt
AU. Blaine is 21 and attending college in New York. His parents (they are nice for a change) insist that he would join them and Cooper one last time for a family vacation in the Hamptons in a nice resort. He's not looking forward to spend his whole summer with his parents and Cooper, but maybe he'll meet someone special along the way...(There are similarities to Dirty Dancing in the plot, but it develops into its own story.)Rated M for language and adult sexual themes!