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- Joined: Jul 07, 2013 Submissions: 12 Library: 12
I just really hope you'll give my fanfictions a chance. And then maybe check out my blog (klainecrisscolferchillfics) on Tumblr? On my blog I also write Chill, Crisscolfer, and Sebklaine. Considering that this is for Kurt and Blaine, Crisscolfer and Chill will stay on my blog only. I will also post Sebklaine here.

A Brighter World
So basically we got an assignment in my English class to write a story based in the future and we have to take a "hot topic" from today and write what could happen with it in the future and it could be positive or negative. I did mine on gay rights and positive so I decided to hand in a fanfiction. Hehehe

The Glee Club
The Glee version of "The Breakfast Club"

Coffee Beans and Lima Beans
Kurt meets Blaine for the first time at the Lima Bean, and every year, no matter how busy they get in New York, they always come back to the Lima Bean on their anniversary.
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When I Get You Alone
Kurt is McKinley's leading Skank. He may be gay, but he inflicts fear on everyone. That all changes when a short dreamy-eyed Blaine Anderson enrolls in his senior year. With two bad boys at the school, only one can rein victorious. Or they can rule the school together.Badboy!Blaine, Skank!Kurt AU