Fix A Heart 'Verse One Shot #1. Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Fix A Heart 'Verse One Shot #1.

The first oneshot after Gift of a Friend. It can be read as a stand alone fic, but if you want backstory, I would read the three fics that are also in this 'verse.Ari and Payton are now 5 years old and we see them the day before they start school. We see how Kurt and Blaine are doing raising twins and balancing their work life with their duties as fathers.

T - Words: 2,393 - Last Updated: Sep 27, 2013
772 0 0 0
Categories: AU, General, Humor,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: established relationship, family, futurefic,

Author's Notes:

I hope that was worth the wait, I've missed writing for this story. If anyone has anything they'd like to see from Klaine and/or the twins, let me know and I'll write a oneshot for it and add it to this verse. I'm always open for ideas! :) 

-Krystal :) x

Raising twins isn't easy, but Kurt and Blaine are doing the best they can.

"Okay, so this week has got to be one of the busiest weeks we've ever had." Kurt said as he sat a cup if coffee in front of Blaine before getting his own.

"Yeah no kidding, I'm exhausted just thinking about it." Blaine took a sip of coffee and sighed. "This is amazing."

"That's why you let me make the coffee." Kurt smiled at his husband, enjoying their early morning coffee before another hectic day starts.

"Will you be able to get off work tomorrow for Ari and Payton's first day if school?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. The first day of kindergarten, they're growing up way too fast."

"I know, it feels like they should still be sleeping in cribs and drooling all over everything."

"Daddy! Papa!" Ari came running into the kitchen.

"Good morning sunshine, is cereal okay for breakfast?" Blaine stood up to get a bowl and the cereal.

"Can I have the chocolate kind?" Ari asked, sitting at the table.

"Of course, coming right up."

"Where's your brother, is he still in bed?" Kurt asked, taking his empty cup to the sink.

"No, he's in the bathroom."

"Go ahead and pour him a bowl of cereal too, I have to go get dressed, I'll be back in a few minutes." Kurt squeezed Blaine's arm as he passed by, heading to their room.

"Are you excited for your first day of school tomorrow?" Blaine asked Ari, setting a bowl of cereal in front of her.

"Mhmm, it's going to be fun."

"You say that now, just wait until high school." Blaine mumbled under his breath. "Ah, good morning buddy, there's a bowl of cereal on the table for you."

"Thanks Daddy. Where's Papa?" Payton smiled at Blaine.

"Getting ready for work. Eat your cereal, Lu-Lu will be here soon."

"Do we get to spend the day with Lu-Lu?" Ari asked hopefully.

"If you finish your cereal before she gets here." Blaine said before heading back the hallway to get ready for his busy day.


Kurt decided to pick up dinner and surprise Blaine and the twins. Since the end of Deminion of Thieves, Kurt has been working with Isabelle at Vogue. Having kids and performing just wasn't working for him, Blaine on the other hand had continued working on Broadway.

When Kurt got home he sat the food on the kitchen counter and started getting plates out to set the table, it wasn't until he actually started putting the plates on the table that he noticed the house was completely silent. Blaine was suppose to be home an hour ago with the kids so it shouldn't be that quite.

"Blaine?" Kurt called out. "Ari, Payton?" He headed back the hallway, opening the door to his and Blaine's bedroom. He found both his room and the twins' room empty and just when he was about to start panicking, he heard the front door open. "Blaine?"

"Nope, it's me." Lucy called, ushering the twins inside. "Blaine called and asked me to bring them home because he's running late. Apparently there was a big fight with the male and female leads, I don't know, he didn't have time to elaborate."

"Oh no! That's not good."

"Papa, Papa, guess what?" Payton ran up to Kurt, hugging him tightly.

"What?" Kurt hugged him back.

"Ari and I went to the park with Lu-Lu!"

"Yeah Papa, and we got to feed the ducks even though we weren't suppose to." Ari jumped in, just as excited as her brother about going to the park.

"Really? That's awesome. I take it you two had a good time with Lu-Lu today."

"Yep, it was so much fun!" Ari smiled brightly at her papa.

"Why don't you and Payton go get cleaned up and ready for dinner while I talk to Lu-Lu."

"Okay." Payton grabbed his sister's arm. "I'll race you."

Kurt smiled, listening to them giggle all the way back the hall to their room.

"Ari said they're starting school tomorrow, she seems excited." Lucy started, helping Kurt get the table sat for dinner.

"She is. Ever since we mentioned school, that's all she talks about."

"What about Payton? He really didn't have much to say when I asked him about it."

"He seems sort of indifferent about it. Blaine and I have tried talking to him about it but he just shrugs us off." Kurt sat the containers of food on the table. "I'm a little worried about it but Blaine seems to think its just nerves and there's nothing to worry about."

"He's always been the more reserved, at least compared to Ari, maybe he's just nervous about being around a bunch of strangers all day."

"Maybe, I'm just worried about him."

"It's okay to be worried about your son Kurt. It's not a bad thing."

"I know, I know, I just don't want to be too overbearing." Kurt sighed, sitting the last plate on the table.

"What's for dinner Papa?" Ari asked, walking back into the kitchen.

"Takeout, I got orange chicken, I know it's your favorite."

"Is Lu-Lu staying for dinner?" Payton asked shyly, following his sister.

"Um, Lucy, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Sure, I'd love to. Can I sit beside you?" Lucy smiled at Payton.

Payton just nodded and smiled back.

"Payton, do you want chicken or beef on your rice?"

"Chicken please."

Kurt and Lucy got dinner served, letting the twins tell all about their fun day at the park.


When Blaine got home he found Kurt sitting at the kitchen table with pages of designs stacked in front of him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, our two leads had a huge fight so the entire cast and crew got a lecture about dating co-workers and professionalism." Blaine dropped his bags by the counter with a groan. "Days like today make me question why I chose this for a career."

Kurt gathered his things and stood up. "Sit down and rest, I'll warm up a plate of takeout for you after I put these away."

"I can get it, all I want you to do is sit with me and tell me about your day so I can forget about mine."

Before Kurt could protest, Blaine was opening the refrigerator and humming happily to himself. Kurt smiled, little things like this made him fall in love with Blaine even more. "I'll be right back."

"Okay." Blaine waved Kurt away, popping his plate into the microwave.

"Kids, Daddy's home!" Kurt called into their room as he walked past heading to his and Blaine's room.

"Daddy!" Ari was the first out of the room, running into the kitchen.

"Hey little lady, did you have a good day with Lu-Lu?" Blaine asked, hugging her.

"Yeah! We went to the park!"

"You did?"

"Yep, and we got to feed the ducks."

"Wow, that's awesome sweetie."

"Ari, you need to go help your brother clean up." Kurt said, coming back into the kitchen.

"Okay Papa." Ari ran back the hall, leaving Kurt and Blaine alone in the kitchen.

"So how was your day?" Blaine asked, sitting at the table, ready to eat.

"Uneventful. Isabelle is looking for a new intern so we sat through interview after interview and still didn't find anyone."

"She found you didn't she? You guys will find someone, besides, your day sounds way better than my day. I've never seen a fight as bad as the one today, I didn't know two people who are suppose to care about each other could fight like that."

"That's what happens when you have a room full of theatre divas."

"Yeah well I think I need a break from it all."

"You want to stop performing?" Kurt couldn't believe Blaine would even think about it, performing is his life.

"Maybe, at least for a while, it's just not fun anymore." Blaine sighed. "Kurt, I've been thinking about-"

"Papa, Daddy, Ari hit me!" Payton came running into the kitchen, holding his arm.

"Arianna, get in here now!" Kurt yelled, letting Blaine take care of Payton.

"Yes Papa?" Ari came running into the kitchen.

"Did you hit your brother?"

Ari hung her head. "Yes Papa."

"Why did you do that?"

"He had one of my toys and wouldn't give it back."

"No I didn't."

"Payton don't argue with your sister." Blaine warned.

"You two we're suppose to be cleaning up, you didn't need your toy. So Ari, I want you to apologize to your brother for hitting, and Payton, I don't want you taking your sisters toys, okay?"

"Yes Papa. I'm sorry Payton."

"It's okay, I'm sorry I took your toy."

"Thank you. Now, who's ready for dessert?" Kurt asked, getting up and heading to the refrigerator.

"I want pudding!" Ari said excitedly.

"I want pudding too, but can I have the banana kind please?" Payton asked, sitting beside Blaine.

"Sure buddy. You want chocolate right Ari?"


"Alright, I figured you did." Kurt laughed, getting the pudding and spoons. "Blaine, do you want any?"

"Nah, I'll get some later, I'm going to go take a shower." Blaine stood up and grabbed his bags.

"Okay, don't take too long." Kurt said with a smile.

"Yeah Daddy, don't take too long." Payton mimicked his Papa.

"I won't, I won't." Blaine held his hands up and laughed, heading back to his and Kurt's room.

Kurt and the twins finished their pudding and headed to the twins' room to get their outfits picked out for their first day of school.


Later that night Kurt and Blaine were laying in bed, winding down from a busy day. Kurt sat up to where he could see Blaine's face. "Were you serious earlier when you said you wanted to quit performing?"

"Actually yes I was, it's just not fun anymore. I dread going to work everyday and that's not what I want out of my job." Blaine sat up as well.

"How long have you been thinking about this?"

"A while. I didn't want to mention it until I was really sure this is what I wanted."

"You say that like you have something else you want to do."

"Well, there's a dancing instructors position open at NYU and since I am a professional performer and an alumni of the school, they've asked me if I would like to come in for an interview."

"Really? Wow, that's- uh, that's great Blaine."

"Do you not think I should take this?" Blaine asked, noticing Kurt's less than excited attitude.

"No, no, I think you should do whatever makes you happy. I just- are you sure this is what you want?"

"I really enjoyed helping out when I was in school, I think I'd like being an instructor."

"As long as it's what you want, I will support you and I think you'd make an amazing dance instructor." Kurt smiled, leaning in to kiss Blaine.

Blaine smiled into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck, deepening the kiss.

Kurt leaned back until Blaine was leaning over him.

"It's been a while since we've had time to do this." Blaine whispered as he kissed down Kurt's chest.

"N-no kidding. It's been -ah- too long." Kurt's hands found Blaine's hair and pulled himback up for another kiss.

Just as Blaine started working on pulling Kurt's pajama pants down, they heard a knock on their door followed by Payton calling for them.

Kurt's hands fell from Blaine's hair as he let out a frustrated sigh. "We need to send them to their Aunt Rachel and Uncle Finn's house one night, preferably sooner than later."

Blaine let his head fall to Kurt's chest to stifle his laugh. "Maybe we could get them to keep them all weekend."

"I'll call them tomorrow and see if they're free this weekend." Kurt said, rolling out from under Blaine and sitting up. "Call him in here."

"Come in kiddo." Blaine called, sitting up.

"Papa, Daddy, I can't sleep." Payton looked close to tears.

"Why? What's wrong buddy?" Blaine asked, making room for Payton between him and Kurt.

"I-I'm nervous about going to school tomorrow." Payton admitted softly.

"There's nothing to be worried about Pay, you'll love school." Blaine tried to comfort his son.

"I'm afraid I won't make any friends."

"Of course you'll make friends, why do you think you won't?" Kurt asked.

"I'm not like Ari, she can make friends just by looking at people."

"But that doesn't mean you won't make any friends." Blaine insisted.

"When I was in school, I was worried about nit having friends, but I found people who liked the same things as me and I found an entire group of friends that I'm still friends with today. You just have to find other kids like you." Kurt smiled at his son.

"You really think I'll make friends Papa?" Payton asked hopefully.

"Of course I do kiddo."

"Thanks Papa, thanks Daddy, I love you."

"We love you too, now go get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow."

Payton jumped off the bed and ran back to his room, falling asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"You sounded like your dad." Blaine said, laying back and motioning for Kurt to lay down with him.

Kurt smiled, settling into Blaine's side. "If I can be half the father my dad is, I'll be happy."


"Well I think you're already there, you're an amazing father." Blaine hugged Kurt closer, letting himself fall asleep with a smile on his face.


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