Nov. 2, 2013, 7 p.m.
Nov. 2, 2013, 7 p.m.
Kurt wants to meet Blaine's parents but is he what they were expecting, more importantly are they what he had expected?
“So” Kurt said placing his coffee cup on the table “When do I get to meet your family?” His words made Blaine shiver and squirm in his seat. Kurt noticed this and immediately changed the subject.
“I heard Wes and Ella broke up.” He said into the air but it was extremely awkward. Blaine wanted Kurt to meet his family he really did but he didn't know what he would think of him.
“Friday night?” Blaine asked looking at his hands circled around his cup warming them.
“I thought they broke up last Wednesday I remember because after we went bowling and it was discount night” Kurt smiled miss hearing Blaine's question.
“No. I'm not talking about Wes.” He shook his head. “Come over on Friday around 8.” And with that he stood up, grabbed his bag and left the LIMA BEAN.
Why did you leave in sucha hurry? –KURT
Sorry. Felt ill.-BLAINE
Are you ok? I don't have to come over.-KURT
Please come over. We need to get this over and done with.-BLAINE
Kurt was wearing a black suit with a silk purple tie and matching shoes. His hair was up in a quiff and he smelled like roses. His eyes were carefully outlined with the slightest bit of eyeliner and foundation made his skin smooth and silky like his tie. He walked elegantly up the neat garden path with equally cut bushes on either side. He had never visited the Anderson house old before but Blaine had told him where he lived and after hearing the street he lived down he knew he would feel small and poor against their background. He had worn his most expensive outfit and best smelling hairspray to try and impress Mr and Mrs Anderson.
He knocked on the door lightly as not to send off the wrong vibe into the house. He waited a few seconds before a rather handsome man in chinos and polo shirt opened the door. The man immediately smiled and reached for Kurt's hand.
“You must be Kurt. I'm Cooper. Cooper Anderson.” Kurt was shocked at how casual Cooper looked in the rich house.
“Nice to meet you Mr Anderson” Kurt said trying to figure out what age Cooper must have been when he became Blaine's Dad. Cooper laughed at his words.
“Coop. Call me Coop. I'm Blaine's older brother. He's upstairs getting ready. Please come in.” He moved aside to let Kurt in. The house was amazingly wide and on each side of the room there was one set on stairs that met up in the middle proving a small balcony from which Blaine was looking down at Kurt.
Blaine looked different. He didn't look quite right but he smiled weakly at His brother and his boyfriend waiting for him. He was wearing a lovely charcoal black suit with a grey bow tie and his hair gelled a lot more than normal. As he reached the bottom of the stairs his knees seemed to give way slightly but he managed to hold himself up.
“Give my love to Mum Blaine” Cooper said not looking him in the eyes. Blaine nodded and made his way to the door. “Blaine. The flowers are in the kitchen” He turned on his heels and exited the hall to collect the sunflowers.
“Is he ok?” Kurt asked trying to not seem too pushy. He nodded and smiled then walked into one of the five doors leading off from the gigantic hall. After two minutes of waiting Blaine reappeared his eyes a little red like he was trying to hold back tears.
“Blaine are you ok?” Kurt asked unsure weather to kiss him or hold him close or ignore his attitude. But Blaine just nodded and pointed to the door.
“Shall we?” He asked and Kurt smiled.
The car ride was silent. Kurt had no idea was on earth was going on. “Blaine are we going to see your parents? Why werent they at home?”
“They moved a few years ago. Well last year. They gave Coop and I the house and found a nice little cosy house near the Westerville church so we could go and visit them whenever.”
“So we're going there now?” Kurt asked. Blaine's only response was a nod.
Blaine got out first parking in the church car park. He walked around to open the door for Kurt. He extended his hand which Kurt took happily. After locking the car Blaine found Kurt's hand in the dark off a late December evening. Five days to Christmas and snow was already on the ground covering grave stones and decorating spider webs. They swung their hands in between each other's bodies while walking though the grave yard.
“Short cut” Blaine winked looking at Kurt.
“Creepy short cut” Kurt returned.
Blaine all off a sudden started directing Kurt off the pathway making their shoes and suits wet at the bottom.
“Blaine my...our suits will get ruined” But he continued to drag Kurt after him. Suddenly out of nowhere he stopped dead.
“Blaine what are we...” He followed Blaine's eye line to two grave stones. The names were hidden under snow and so Kurt knelt down, forgetting the price of his suit, and brushed off the snow from the grave heads. Revealing the names. Polly Harriet Anderson. And Andrew Cooper Anderson. Kurt brought a hand up to his mouth while standing back up.
“Oh my God Blaine I'm so sorry...” He grabbed his boyfriend with both hands and drew him in. “Why didn't you tell me baby?” He asked softly kissing Blaine's very gelled up hair. Blaine sniffed swallowing his tears but they just kept falling, freezing on his cheeks.
“I still don't think it's real. Cooper can't cope coming.” He said still crying. Out of nowhere he snapped out of Kurt's grasp. “I'm sorry for being so rude. Kurt this is my Mum, Mum this is my boyfriend Kurt.” Kurt looked at Blaine then at the Gravestone.
“Lovely to meet you Mrs. Anderson.” He whispered. Blaine crouched down so he was closer to his Mum.
“Polly. She likes Polly.” Blaine said still looking at the gravestone. “Mum he really is wonderful. The best boyfriend any man can ever have. I know you would have loved him. Dad maybe not so much but you would have. He's beautiful...” At this moment Kurt crouched down behind Blaine just in enough time to catch him in his lap, bum on the floor but the cold wasn't affecting him at all. At this moment Blaine just broke down. Tears lapping them self on his cheek and his breathing was irregular.
“Blaine Honey it's ok. Sssshhhhhhh. Baby don't cry it's ok.” Kurt said rocking his boyfriend in his warm arms.*
“I'm s-so s-or-rr-ry k-kurt” Blaine stammered clinging to Kurt's suit.
“No. You have nothing to be sorry for. I'm sorry. I know you weren't ready to show me your parents and I pushed you too far I'm so sorry.”
“You should have met them sooner.” He sobbed.
After what seemed like hours Blaine got up slowly and helped Kurt up.
“I'm sorry about your suit and your numb bum.” Blaine said laughing a bit.
“Come on. Let's go back” Kurt suggested holding Blaine's hand again. He nodded.
“I want curry.” Just as they were about to leave Blaine stood by the other grave. “Bye Dad.” He coughed up forcefully saying his words. He knelt down and gently placed the slightly crushed sunflowers by her grave “These were very expensive Mum. As you know these don't grow here but Cooper knew how much you loved...love these. He sends his love Mum. He wants to visit you he does Mum but he is scared.”
With that he laced Kurt's hand in his and they left the graveyard.