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Uncle Finn

Mason asks who Uncle Finn is.

K - Words: 354 - Last Updated: Dec 06, 2014
1,073 0 0 0
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: character death, family, futurefic, kidfic, hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes:

Its sad. I cried while typing it. Reviews would be nice.

"Daddy, whos this?" Mason asks. In his hand, he held a picture frame.

Blaine takes the frame from Mason and looks at it. "Thats your Uncle Finn buddy" Blaine says.

"Whos Uncle Finn?" Mason asks.

"Here, Ill tell you." Blaine says.

He then pulls Mason up on to the couch and on to his lap. "Uncle Finn was Papas brother and was Aunt Rachels fiancé" Blaine says.

"Whats a" Mason stammers.

"Fiancé?" Blaine asks?

"Ya, that." Mason says.

"Well, a fiancé is right before two people get married. But they never did get married" Blaine explains.

"Oh. So where is Uncle Finn?" Mason asks. Blaine pauses while he looks for the right words to say.

"Well, Uncle Finn is in heaven. Hes not with us but hes always looking down on us and making sure we are ok"

"Did I ever meet Uncle Finn?" Mason asks. "No, he died before you were born. But I know he knows about you and is watching down on you. He would have loved you Mase. He was funny and you guys would have had a lot of fun together." Blaine says.

He then looks up and smiles. "Here, do you want to see what Uncle Finn was like?"

"Ya" Mason squeals.

Blaine sets Mason down on the couch. He then runs into his and Kurts room and grabs a old dvd.

"Ok buddy, I think this dvd is Grandma and Grandpas wedding." Blaine says as he puts the dvd into the player. He then sits down next to Mason as he cuddles into his chest.

They watch the dvd in silence. For the rest of the night, Blaine bring out every competition video, football game and anything else he can find with Finn.

Later, when Kurt returns home, he sees Blaine and Mason cuddled up together on the couch with a video of the New Directions first sectionals play on the tv.

 Kurt can feel tears rolling down his face. He wipes them away and puts a blanket on the sleeping boys and sits in front of the couch on the floor.

Blaine then reaches for Kurts hand, still half asleep. Kurt clutches it as he continues to watch the old videos.

"Miss ya Finn" Kurt says to himself.


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