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Kurt released a line of mens with a kidsclothing line, making Blaine and Mason pose for pictures!

K - Words: 335 - Last Updated: Nov 04, 2014
938 0 0 0
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: family, kidfic,

Author's Notes:

Hey guys! So to get you guys aquainted with me ill tell you a bit about me!

1. My name is Jaelyn

2. I love Klaine!

3. I have a Blaine of my own and Im her Kurt

4. I just kinda started my accoutn so i only have a few stories

5. Most of the FanFics are Family, KidFic, and Cotton Candy Fluff

6. I have an Instagram so if you want to follow me just search J_Klaine_Shipper!

Any Questions or Requests just ask me!

"Kurt, can I please have my hair gel back? My hair looks like a mess!" 

"Papa, Im Hungry!"

"Kurt, maybe just a little, please?"

"How much longer Papa?"  

Kurt lets out a huge sigh. Why did I decide to do this? he asked himself.

Kurt had recently released a line of mens clothes which in cluded a kids line. He needed models at the last minute so he decided to talk to the photographers on the shoot and try to get Mason and Blaine into the shoot. So far, this has not been a productive day.

The photographers were late, so they were an hour behind. The lighting was not god at the first location, so they had to pack up everything and find somewhere else. Then, as if anything could get any worse, Mason spilled juice on his pants, so they had to change his outfit! And to top that all off, Blaine and Mason would not stop COMPLAINING about every little thing!

"Guys just calm down, were almost done. Mason I will get you something to eat as soon as we are done. And Blaine, we talked about this. No gel!" Both boys groan.

"Hes totally your son Anderson!" kurt says as he  walks away to talk to a producer.

"Hey Mase, do you wanna see a cool pose you can do?" Blaine asks

"Ya!" Mason cheers

"Ok Mase, come sit next to me" Blaine and Mason sit down aginst the wall behind them. "Now do everything I do" Blaine continues. Mason nods and thn copies the way Blaine is sitting.

"Perfect! Now tip your sunglasses so you are looking out the top of them."

"Like this Daddy?" Mason asks while copying Blaine once more.

"Exactly. Now look to your right. But you dont have to look at anything particular. Just look that way." Blaine says while he looks to his right. Mason copies him.

Kurt does a small gasp, "Get that picture now!" Kurt whispers to the cameraman.

The cameraman rushes to get the shot just in time before the two boys look at eachother and start laughing for no reason.


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