Grandpa! Give Kudos Bookmark Comment


Burt visits Kurt, Blaine, and Mason in New York.

K - Words: 325 - Last Updated: Nov 02, 2014
819 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: family, kidfic,

Author's Notes:

Hope you like it!

"Grandpa!" Mason yels as he runs across the airport to Burts arms. "Who are you? You can not be my grandson. My grandson is a boy. Well, your practically a man!" Burt says. Its me grandpa!" Mason replies.

"Hey dad! How was the flight?" Kurt asks as he and Blaine approach the little reunion. "Uneventful. Im just glad to be back on the ground." Burt answers as he puts Mason down and hugs Kurt and Blaine.

"I bet!" Blaine adds. "Now lets head home because i need some well deserved bonding time with my grandson." Burt says while ruffling Masons hair. "And of course my favorite sons as well."

They embark back t the car with Kurt and Blaine holding Masons hands and swiging them as they walked. Burt slightly crept back to watch this scene unfold with a large grin on his face. When they got to the car, Blaine put Mason in his car seat and sat in the back with him while Kurt drove and Burt was in the passenger seat.

In a matter of minutes, Blaine and Mason were snoring away in the back seat. a comfortable silence washed over the car with the ccasional sleepy movement breaking it. "You did good kid. Im glad Im here to see it." Burt finally says. "Thanks Dad. Im glad youre here too." Kurt replies with a small smile on his face.

"I wish your mo was here to see him. She would have loved him. She would have loved to see you so happy." Burt breathes. "I like to think shes watching me, guiding me from wherever she is." Kurt says with a single tear drop escaping his eye. "Me too son, me too." Burt says.

Kurt looks in the rear view mirror at Blaine and Mason. Blaines head was on the side of Masons car seat and Masons hand was touching his arm. Kurt smiles How in the world did I get so damn lucky? Kurt thinks to himself.


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