Standing By
Chapter 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Standing By: Chapter 2

K - Words: 1,789 - Last Updated: Apr 09, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Apr 09, 2016 - Updated: Apr 09, 2016
278 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

There's really nothing else for me to say here except that I hope that you never let me forget to mention how grateful I am for each read, comment and critique things that I write get. I love you so very much for them. Every single one. 

Also, if mentioning it slipped my mind (and let's be real, it probably did) - This is a crossover between Glee and Harry Potter. I, however, don't own either of these two amazing creations. I wish I did, but I don't. Therefore all characters and other things that are from them belong to the rightful writers of them a.k.a the wondorous J.K. Rowling and our most beloved (and other times not so much) RIB. 


Disfruta. :)

Walking just on plain land and with help turned out to be far more challenging than Blaine had expected. It almost felt like the rocks at his feet were laughing at him for his trouble.

He found himself leaning on Kurt more than supporting his own weight himself, and he just prayed he would make it to the Hospital wing without a) falling, b) being seen by too many students and c) many students witnessing him falling on Kurt.

He just didn’t know why he was so surprised, considering that even standing still hurt unnecessarily much.

"I- uhm." Blaine began, only to be silenced by a sensation that felt very much like someone was stabbing his knee. Kurt turned to look at him with a worried expression on his face. Blaine clenched his teeth and shook his head, to which Kurt responded by stopping.

"No, let's- You don't need to stop."

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked pointedly, not taking his eyes off of the boy who tried avoiding his gaze.

The Hufflepuff bit his tongue and nodded with his eyes on the muddy, rocky path they were walking on.

"That's what I was going to ask you. I'm not exactly the lightest person-"

Kurt scoffed, taking a quick second to look around them to see how many people were present. Not many, and well, reasonably so - It was only ten in the morning on a Saturday.
"I'd really appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut, Blaine." The Slytherin said, but with no heat whatsoever. Quite on the contrary, the words left the boy's mouth softly and kindly. He tightened his grip on Blaine's waist and hoped it helped him even a little bit.


Sure enough, ten minutes later they made it to the Hospital wing and were greeted by the kind features of Mrs. Pillsbury's face. She did raise her neatly done eyebrows a little bit at the sight of the two boys so close together, but Blaine's bandaged knee took her attention off of that very quickly.

To both Mrs. Pillsbury's and Blaine's surprise, Kurt didn't let go of Blaine yet then. He pulled Blaine forward by his waist lightly and led him to the closest bed that was located in front of the massive windows with a view to the front yard.

"I'll go get what I think I need to heal that, alright? Just a second." Mrs. Pillsbury smiled kindly and squeezed his shoulder, disappearing to the smaller room that was basically a massive potion cabinet.

Blaine nodded when his brain caught up with reality and sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at Kurt. His heart was racing, and he couldn't decide if it was because he had just walked up the massive stairs or just simply because of Kurt.

They were surely the stairs, right?

The Hufflepuff took a deep breath, managing to let out a shuddering laugh. "I- Thank you. You really didn't need to."

Kurt did exactly what he had before. Shaking his head, he smiled half-heartedly. "I already told you. I had my motives."

Yeah, having a hopeless crush on you, he could hear a very presistent voice in his head say.

"Besides. Slytherin doesn't equal no morals."

Blaine rolled his eyes, making Kurt chuckle.

"Fair enough. Sometimes, it does."

Blaine just nodded, really not knowing what else to do.

Kurt took a look at the clock on the wall and cleared his throat. He really wished he could have an excuse to spend more time with Blaine, even if it was just him standing by him there. Only he really couldn’t; not physically, at least. On mental level it wasn’t in his hands – he would be stuck thinking about him, even more than before, whether he wanted it or not.

“I have, uhm, Quidditch practice in an hour. Got to get ready to make sure we completely trash you next week.” He said, grinning, but maybe not as convincingly as he’d pleased.

“Yeah, good luck with that. I’m planning on having a recovered knee by then. We live in a world of magic, after all.” Blaine answered, with a grin almost identical to the other boys’.

Though he could’ve had Kurt there for the entire day, he was starting to feel uneasy with his knee and Mrs. Pillsbury being away for so long.

“I guess I’ll see you around. In class, at least. ” Kurt said after a short while that quite honestly felt like fifteen minutes to the Badger.

For however long they’d been quiet, Kurt’s words startled Blaine a little. Right, they shared N.E.W.T. Transfiguration.

“Yeah.” Blaine said, smiling. “See you.”

Kurt turned to walk away the exact minute Mrs. Pillsbury emerged from the walk in potion cabinet with her hands full of bottles and bandages.

She helped him get his leg on the bed, which after a few moments of unbelievable discomfort and inappropriate use of words he managed just fine.

She asked Blaine questions about how he’d hurt it and how bad it felt while she untied the bandage and examined his knee.

“It looks like it’s the Vastus Medialis that’s teared in your knee. But the knee cap looks to be fractured, as well.” She said.

“O-kay. And it can be healed here, and now?”

“Oh, of course it can, silly. The fracture goes with magic, and the muscle tear should go away with ice gel and the support of a bandage in a couple of days.”

Blaine let out a relieved sigh and nodded thankfully.

“So, the fracture…” She said after a while, setting her hazel wand lightly on Blaine’s knee. “This might not feel very nice, but I guarantee you it only lasts for a couple of seconds.”

The Hufflepuff moved his fingers away from around the lower part of his knee and formed fists with both of his hands.

“Ferula.” Mrs. Pillsbury said, loud and clear, tapping the tingling skin of Blaine’s knee with the tip of the wand.

Blaine breathed in deep through his nose, the spell making him feel like instead of a tiny fracture she was dealing with an entire bone sticking out of his leg. Once the feeling passed, he noticed he didn’t need to be biting his tongue anymore to bear the pain. There only really was a minimal amount of discomfort left.

“All good? Feel better?” Mrs. Pillsbury asked, putting her wand back into the pocket of her white skirt.

“Much. Thank you.” The boy said, smiling.

“Good.” She tucked a pillow under his knee before he had the chance to hop off the bed and tied a new bandage around it. After that, she looked up to him and smiled.

“You are free to go now, Mr. Anderson.” She announced chipperly.

Blaine managed to get up from the bed almost painlessly and headed out of the wing giving his thanks to Mrs. Pillsbury on his way.


The second Blaine walked through the door into the Hufflepuff common room, he was faced by Sam who was still in his pajamas.

“Dude! It’s almost twelve! You left like, five hours ago!”

Blaine rubbed his temples, shaking his head.

“Sam, stop yelling- And that was four hours ago.”

“You- What happened to your knee?” Sam’s eyes grew twice in size and his hands flew up to cover his mouth.

The shorter boy sat down on the worn out, light yellow couch and rolled down the pants of his Quidditch uniform.

“Nothing happened. Everything’s fine.”

Sam rolled his eyes and groaned loudly, sitting down next to him with a thump.

“Buddy, you’re still wearing your Quidditch stuff. And you have a bandage on your knee. And you were practicing for four hours. I may be an idiot, but I’m not stupid. Nor am I blind, Blaine.”

“Okay, detective Evans.” He ducked his head, chuckling very weakly. “I fell. I fell and I fractured my knee cap and teared a muscle.”

“Oh my god!” Sam didn’t really care about Blaine’s quest to not yell, and caused several younger Hufflepuffs around the room to turn to look at them with wide eyes. “We are playing next week, Blaine! You are our captain, how-“

Blaine threw his head back against the back of the couch. It was his turn to groan in frustration.

“Sam, I can play. Mrs. Pillsbury did her usual, wonderful job and performed her medical magic and I will be fine for the game. I’m not exactly fine right now, but I will be next week.” He lifted his head back up and smiled at Sam. “And before you yell again, yes I’m sure.”

Just when Blaine was about to ask him to help him get up to the boys’ dormitory, Sam opened his mouth.

“How did you get to the Hospital wing?”

Blaine looked at Sam quickly before turning to look at his hands on his lap. He bit his lower lip, not realizing he was doing that, and that was all it took for Sam to get an answer to his question. They had been best friends for long enough - and clearly way too long.

“O- It was Kurt. What was he doing there?” Sam grinned coyly, bumping their shoulders together.

“Sam, shut up.” Blaine whispered, not really whole-heartedly, getting up from the couch.

Sam got up at the same time, grabbing Blaine’s shoulder. “Spill. What happened?”

He helped him get up the stairs, and when they reached the dormitory, Blaine turned to look at Sam.

“Judging by the way you’re blushing right now I absolutely do need to know what happened. Dude, come on!”

“You sound like Rachel, Sam.” Blaine laughed, tossing a pillow from his bed towards him. Sam caught it effortlessly.

“Take it easy now, okay.”

Blaine couldn’t help smiling at that. Sam was kind of like a really tolerable big brother he never had. He only got a remotely, occasionally tolerable big brother, whom he did obviously love as well. But Sam was very different He was there for him always.

“Yeah.” He settled on his bed, the injured leg laying on a mountain of pillows stacked on top of each other.

“I can’t believe you finally talked to him! After all these years of you lusting over him. I’m so happy for you, dude.” Sam said, genuinely enthusiastic after a couple of blissfully quiet minutes.

Blaine raised his brows at him, slightly offended. “We have talked before, Mr. overly curious and single. And he just walked me to the Hospital wing.”

“He saved your life! Okay that-“

Another pillow flew across the room, landing on Sam’s face.

“Okay then. I guess I can wait to hear this story ‘til you get hitched.” 


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