April 9, 2016, 7 p.m.
April 9, 2016, 7 p.m.
He looked down from the stands of the Quidditch stadium to see the sixth year Hufflepuff, Quidditch mastermind and captain of the Badgers' house team Blaine Anderson sitting on the freshly cut grass, accompanied by his ridiculously expensive custom made broomstick.And, not that it was important at all, the boy Kurt Hummel, the sixth year Slytherin and the seeker of the Slytherin house team, had secretly had a crush on for over two years.
Author's Notes: Hiya! So, for the longest time I had an inner debate on whether or not I should create an account here. Long story short; the debate has ended and here we are. Honestly, this site is amazing and I don't know what took me so long. I am already uploading and updating this story on AO3, but I decided to put it on here too - because I can. This is a WIP with 9 chapters and counting, so I will most likely post two chapters a day until I catch up. Aaaanyway, I hope that you enjoy this and I thank you from the bottom of my heart in advance for everyone who reads what I write. Mwah.