For One Night Only
Kurt and Blaine head out one night to a nightclub with all their friends, that turns out to be a crazy night. And a next day that couldn't be more different from the night before with of course, a bit of Burt Hummel throwing in to.

I'll forgive you, one day
Before you do'promise me you won't say sorry because you have said it enough times'all I want is you to tell me what happened and don't stop because this is the only way we can both move forward. When Kurt and Blaine both can't sleep after christmas day, it leads them to talking about what really happened the night Blaine cheated. Spoilers from 4x09...Glee actually.

The Blaine that got away
Blaine Anderson, don't walk away from me. Kurt's voice came up the hallway and Blaine stopped. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. If he looked back he wouldn't be able to walk away. *My version of the scene between Kurt and Blaine in episode 4x06, Glease.*

One Moment
Kurt and his daughter Hayley are back in Lima after Kurt packed up their things and left New York for a better life. Blaine is back in Lima after just one moment ended his life that he had with his fiance. Two lost people are trying to find their way back in this world, but will their pasts stop them from doing just that?

When I get you alone
Kurt, leave Blaine alone and watch the film. Kurt said nothing and turned back around in his seat leaning over and whispered to Blaine. When the boys are supposed to be watching a film, they find something better to do, which leads Sue to being, Sue.

What makes us, us
Studying, flirting, fighting zombies, teasing, hitting, kissing, texting, sleeping, I love you and goodnight. This is not little moments of a normal couple, it's little moments of the best couple. All of those things make Kurt and Blaine well, Kurt and Blaine.

Maybe tonight
The sex talks with his dad always seem to be awkward every time. Blaine just has to walk in and make it more awkward for Kurt.

Your enough for me
Why am i never good enough Kurt asked Blaine who was so broken right now. Blaine has something to tell Kurt he should of told him months ago.

My love is like a star
Blaine walks away smiling. Kurt is stood in the dark seeing Blaine walk away while he has to stand here counting up to sixty seconds to play this game that Blaine thought would be fun. Turns out...

Along the way
Loss is tough; moving on without someone is heart breaking. When Kurt loses one of the most important people in his life that has been there since day one, his world starts to fall apart and he can't see how life will ever get better. Blaine and their kids see the loving husband and father turn into a different person. Is Blaine going to be strong enough for the both of them?

Keep it together
The only thing better than waking up next to you is ending the night with you, I thought tonight was the beginning of that. I might never get to do that again with you, Kurt. To wake up and end the night with you. Kurt's missing and Blaine is going to find him, no matter what it takes.

Our Distance
Miles away from each other, missing each other every second and just wanting to be together again, together in New York. As Blaine finishes school and Kurt starts his dream by living in New York with Rachel they have to handle the distance, their distance. At the end of June where will they both be?