Hey y'all! I'm Ruthie and I'm from Georgia. I've been writing awhile but I just recently decided to try posting some of my stuff! I work with middle school aged special needs kids and I love it. I go to Disney World any chance I get! I have an annual pass and I love any excuse to go down there!
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Blaine Anderson has had a crush on Kurt Hummel for years. They come from two different worlds- Kurt is the most beautiful and one of the most popular Cheerios on the squad, Blaine is so nerdy that he's surprised Kurt knows he exists. After finding out Kurt has an account on a gay hook up and dating app Blaine decides to do something drastic to get a little bit closer to his crush. Cheerio!Kurt. Nerd!Blaine. Catfish!Klaine.
M -
Closed -
Chapters: 10/? -
Words: 14,018 -
Updated: Sep 06, 2014
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, General, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), Mrs. Anderson (Blaine's Mother), Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: first time, friendship, multiple partners, hurt/comfort,