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  • Joined: Jan 24, 2012
    Submissions: 69
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I am a racist. I despise gingers, and mudbloods. I hate Gryffindor House and my parents work for the man who killed your parents. Do you want to be my friend?

To Be Young and in Love

Little!Klaine gets married at the park

K - Words: 404 - Updated: Apr 30, 2013
821 0 2 4
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,

With You In My Head

Set in the middle of Shooting Star. Slight AU. Instead of Blaine having been in the choir room, he was in the boy's bathroom. Also Tina was inside the school with everyone.

T - Words: 1,257 - Updated: Apr 12, 2013
1,516 0 0 4
Categories: AU, Drama, Suspense,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang, Will Schuester,
Tags: hurt/comfort,


Wes borrows Kurt's phone to send Blaine a text, impersonating him and telling Blaine to come to Kurt's dorm.

K - Words: 761 - Updated: Apr 01, 2013
1,166 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Wes,

Kiss You All Over

Kurt and Blaine go to the park with their son, but Blaine realizes he's not as young as he used to be.

K - Words: 470 - Updated: Mar 22, 2013
1,007 0 0 1
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: established relationship, futurefic,

Fowl Play

Kurt's scarf gets stolen at the park and a handsome stranger helps him recover it.

K - Words: 729 - Updated: Mar 08, 2013
868 0 0 3
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Two of a Kind

Kurt's known the name of his soul mate, Blaine Anderson, for about a year. But he never anticipated finding him twice.

K - Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Words: 5,415 - Updated: Mar 31, 2013
2,256 0 0 0 6
Categories: AU, Supernatural,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC,

You're Call

Kurt calls Blaine on his first night in New York because he misses him. Set after 4.01.

K - Words: 563 - Updated: Jan 07, 2013
644 0 3 4
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Tags: established relationship,

Beekeeper's Daughter

Blaine works for Burt at Hummel's Tires and Lube, but finds himself entranced by Burt's son, Kurt Hummel.

K - Words: 844 - Updated: Jan 05, 2013
1,186 0 3 4
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel, Sam Evans,

Everybody Talks Too Much

Kurt is at the library doing research for a paper when he meets a handsome man named Blaine who has Aphonia.

K - Words: 1,236 - Updated: Dec 30, 2012
967 0 0 2
Categories: AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: futurefic,

I'll Be Waiting

When Blaine visits a new coffee shop down the street, he accidentally grabs the wrong drink. He is then compelled to frequent the shop everyday until he is once again in the presence of the man who's face seems to haunt every second of his life.

T - Words: 1,273 - Updated: Nov 08, 2012
1,360 0 3 4
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: futurefic,

Won't Let You Get Away

Kurt and Blaine haven't seen each other since their break-up in New York City ten years ago. But they're about to meet each other once again in the gym of their old high school.

K - Words: 1,797 - Updated: Oct 16, 2012
1,235 0 1 2
Categories: AU, Songfics,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Lauren Zizes, Noah Puckerman, Rachel Berry, Sam Evans,
Tags: futurefic,

First Klaine Kit Contributions

A compilation of my contributions to First Klaine Kit's week of themes to help mend the hearts of Klainers everywhere after the Break Up

K - Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Words: 1,366 - Updated: Oct 06, 2012
1,274 0 0 0 1
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort,

Something's Coming

Blaine has a twin he doesn't know about, but that twin knows him, and more importantly, Kurt. Based on ( this gif set.

K - Words: 598 - Updated: Sep 22, 2012
1,021 0 1 2
Categories: AU,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, OC, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: established relationship,

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Holding Out For a Hero

Blaine thought his senior year would be easy, but is soon proven wrong when he learns that the boy he's been crushing on for years has been saving him from death since he was nine. As it turns out, Kurt gets premonitions and has been sworn to be Blaine's Guardian. Little does Blaine know, he's not as normal as he thought, either. With a prophetic battle on the horizon, can Kurt keep his Paladin alive to long enough to save the lives of everyone and get ride of the Eradicates once and for all?

E - Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Words: 49,457 - Updated: Apr 08, 2013
8,026 0 0 0 14
Categories: AU, Supernatural,
Characters: Artie Abrams, Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Kurt Hummel, Mike Chang, OC, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: established relationship,

Courtly Love

When Kurt's school house is in need of some repairs, a friendly Blaine offers him his services. AU and sort of Holes crossover. Think of the town Kate and Sam lived in, except since this is my AU, them being together wouldn't be frowned upon anymore than it is in today's society.

K - Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Words: 1,715 - Updated: Aug 27, 2012
1,658 0 0 0 1
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Crossover,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,


PROUD MAMA TEARS ARE COMING OUT RIGHT NOW!! I seriously NEED the next chapter!