- Joined: Jun 08, 2012 Submissions: 14 Library: 14
Klaine is the only fanfiction I've ever read or written. Except I read that Twist and Shout Destiel fic, because you just have to read that if you're even remotely interested in fanfiction and Supernatural. My favorite Klaine fics are 'If I Die Young,' 'The Muse,' 'Going for Broke,' 'Hurricane,' and 'Lovesong.' I like writing, but I also love reading and editing. I paint, draw, try to smile, drink copious amounts of soda and coffee, and always look for four leafed clovers.

Kurt's gift from Blaine and their kids is a song.
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I'm Here, You're There, We Are
Kurt Hummel is 23, a senior in college, and on his way to what could be a very important job interview when he gets a call from his dad in Ohio. His old boyfriend, Blaine, is badly hurt. Kurt drops everything and heads home, but will Blaine make a recovery?tw: violence, homophobiaI'm working on an eighth chapter, but I'm trying to get out and do things in life that don't involve the internet, so I don't know when it will be completed and posted. Thanks for your interest, guys!

The First First Impression
Blaine meets Burt for the first time and things do not go quite as Blaine planned. Slightly AU because he's meeting Burt after he and Kurt have already started dating, but that's it. Fluffy, brief, and to the point! :)