- Joined: May 15, 2012 Submissions: 26 Library: 26
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Something A Little Different
After being kicked out of Dalton Academy, Blaine Anderson is sent to live with his estranged mother, and a stepfather and sister he has never met. In a world completely different then he's accustomed to, one resident Cheerio catches his eye. There's only one problem. That Cheerio is a boy, and his new girlfriend's best friend.
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On the Edge
Senior Year for Kurt Hummel wasn't supposed to be like this. There's a new kid hell bent on destroying his life and Karofsky is taking the bulling to a whole new level. They say things must get worse before they get better. How much worse does that mean?
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Make Me Stronger
Blaine Anderson can be described with three words: Gorgeous, Dangerous, and Wealthy. I should have listened to my head and to my friends. I followed my heart, and I'm still not sure if I did the right thing. Not only is he the guy that broke my heart, but he's the guy that saved my life.