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  • Joined: Apr 22, 2012
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I am nearly fresh out of High School with a love for music. I hope to be going to college next year for Audio Engineering in Mineapolis, MN. I've been watching Glee since 1st season but was never really into it until 2nd season. Season 2 is by far my favorite season, mostly because of the blooming romance between Kurt and Blaine, but the themes were also ace. But then again, come season 4 I'll probably be professing my love for season 3... nah, I doubt it. My favorite Klaine song is Baby, It's Cold Outside and Blaine is mean for singing all of the 'I want your body' songs to Kurt in season 2 when Blaine just denys it when they talk about it.

Unexpected Quotations For The Expected

Kurt finds Blaine in the library reading comic books. Kurt becomes obsessed with a quote that describes the way he feels about Blaine and craves to find more to hopefully give him the courage to profess his love to Blaine.And he does.

T - Words: 1,826 - Updated: May 20, 2012
960 0 2 2
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship,

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The List

Kurt is a college student in New York. His life was satisfactory and he had no urge to change that until he gets a call from home. Something happened and Kurt has no way to change the past, however he can change the future.So he makes a list.He lists all the things he wants to do before his time is up. Some of the things are easy, and will take a few minutes, some will be harder and might take a few years. But that's alright because Kurt plans on finishing his list.But what happens when someone unexpected tumbls into his life and Kurt wonders if maybe it's okay for that list to change a little.

Do They Know I Love You?

Kurt doesn't know anything about Blaines family. After weeks of knowing something's wrong Kurt finally gets Blaine to spill. And he does. Once Kurt realizes what it meant for their relationship Kurt asks Rachel to do him a favor, or rather Blaine a favor, in the end though Kurt saves the day by doing something he would never ever think about doing, even if he was gay. Also,Jeff and Nick have the answer to Blaine and Kurts lack of dates and they give them a well deserved surprise.*Re-edited story of mine
