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  • Joined: Jan 01, 2013
    Submissions: 72
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So I figured since I started writing, that I would introduce myself and explain how I became a Starkid fan a Darren Criss fan and a Glee fan. I'm 26 years old, I have a four year old son whom my fiancée and I adopted at birth. They are both my world. We are currently in the process of trying to adopt another baby. I am a lesbian and have known from a pretty early age, life wasn't always easy but I was blessed with an amazing family and group of friends,nthat helped me through everything. I came across Starkid A Very Potter Musical one night when i was up trying to calm a fussy baby. I was searching on YouTube for songs, anything really that might help me calm my son. I came across the link for AVPM and at first was hesitant on evening opening the link because I was never a fan of Harry Potter. I noticed the view count on his video and realized it must have been good for so many people to have watched it. I will never regret that night. That's the night I fell in love with Harry Potter and everything Darren Criss. I'm a huge musical junky, so of course I was immediately smitten with Glee, I've never missed an episode and I never will, no matter how much the writers piss me off sometimes. It was just a bonus that Darren was added to he cast. I've followed his career from he beginning and I will continue to follow his career after Glee and Starkid. My interest to Darren and Chris led me to fanfiction and than to this Site. I have spent hours reading all of your stories, getting lost in the majic that is Blaine and Kurt. Because of you guys you have given me the courage to start writing again. And I want to say thank you so much for drawing out of me the passion tonstart writing again. Thanks you for reading my story thus far, and bare with me as I continue to learn and rediscover my writing. I hope I can only get better. I look forward to reading your stories and I hope you stick around to continue reading mine. I have a feeling stories that I'm working on right now but will only post one story at a time, I don't want to lose focus on any of them and want to give each story the attention they deserve. Thank you for going on this journey with me, Kelly

Beautiful Disaster

A beautiful story, one-shot, but willing to turn it into a multi-chapter. Let me know what you think!

K - Words: 1,770 - Updated: Dec 15, 2014
725 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, family, first time, friendship,

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Forever And A Day

Sequel to Let Me Love YouBlaine and Kurt meet at school, Blaine as his teacher. They soon enter a BDSM relationship. This is their journey.SMUT

E - Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Words: 6,049 - Updated: Jun 08, 2013
5,110 0 1 0 20
Categories: Angst, AU, PWP, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, first time, friendship,

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Let Me Love You

Blaine is a twenty seven year old new teacher at McKinley. Hes very much gay and very much into a BDSM relationship, just never found the right guy to be with. Kurt is a seventeen year old student attending his last year at school. He is also very much gay and considered himself Sub. He thought he would have to wait until he was in New York before he found that special someone, who knew that special someone would be waiting for him in his 4th period music class.Sub/Dom relationship, age difference, Smut.

E - Complete - Chapters: 64/64 - Words: 116,913 - Updated: May 27, 2013
106,448 0 3 2 48
Categories: AU, PWP,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, first time, friendship, hurt/comfort,
