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Joined: Oct 13, 2014
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Kurt looks into a box full of his late mother's things, then finds a list of things to do, people to visit, places to see... all written by his mother. He decides to set out on a mission to do each and every thing on that list.He enlists the help of his peer advisor, Blaine Anderson, and together they discover not only things about Elizabeth Hummel, but about each other and about themselves.**plot loosely based off of Magic of Miracles from the Hallmark Movie Channel**Rated M just in case for future chapters.
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor, Romance, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Elliott Gilbert, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Nick, Sam Evans, Santana Lopez, Sebastian Smythe, Tags: family, friendship, hurt/comfort,
He's a Late Talker
Blaine Anderson gained a sister, parents and a best friend one day when he was five. He had lost more than he could have imagined. Growing up had become a struggle because of how different he was from other kids, but luckily Rachel and Kurt had become his ears when he needed them.But he had also found his place and his true calling: baseball. Years later, he has become a new kind of legend. After coming home from school and playing all over, he sees his family and best friend in a new light.
Categories: AU, Drama, Romance, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry, Tags: family, hurt/comfort,