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- Joined: Jan 04, 2014 Submissions: 2 Library: 2

The First Time Cooper Anderson Held a Baby in His Arms
Cooper hates babies. From what he has seen and heard, they're loud, messy, noisy, needy, moody.... Everything you can think of as a nightmare. They are basically living, breathing, moving chubby little balls of nightmare.But, well. He doesn't hate /all/ babies.There's Blaine.He is the opposite of the generic baby Cooper has heard about. For one, Blaine never cries unless he's wet or hungry. When he does, his cries aren't usually loud. He doesn't ever fuss, and his temperament is easy to bear with. Blaine also has these huge, innocent eyes that look like melted chocolate and honey fused together, with some hints of green around the edges. And when he smiles, God. When he smiles-..........Cooper's pretty sure that Blaine's the only one who will make him feel like a real member of a real family.

Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel are neighbours and bestfriends. Or at least, they used to be. Blaine doesn't know what happened. He just wants his bestfriend back.