- Joined: Aug 04, 2011 Submissions: 132 Library: 132
I'm Amy. I am an older gleek/Klainer. I am from Texas but I am not conservative LOL). I have only fairly recently gotten into fan fiction but exclusively write Klaine now. I have written some Harry Potter, but not anymore.
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What Our Colors Don't Show
Title: What Our Colors Don't Show. Author: Kurtswish. Beta: Buttons'n'Bows. Pairings/Characters: Kurt/Blaine. Rating: M. Word Count: 41,000+. Warnings: Brief mentions of abuse and death. D/S relationship (non conventional). Summary: Since first getting his mark Kurt dreamed of finding someone to really connect with but years in New York have left him still yearning for that connection. Is it really possible that he could find his soulmate in a club where for once he can proclaim his dominant status for all to see? The colors show who you are, but what's hidden by the symbol, that is supposed to be who you are for.

The Pick Up
Anon Prompted: "Hi, hello there. Can you maybe write an au where blaine gets in the car with rachel instead if with cooper because they have the same car? Like cooper would pick him up at the airport and same for rachel with kurt but then blaine gets in with rachel and rachel keeps talking to him hoping that kurt will come so they can meet because she already ships them. And every time blaine tried to leave she comes up with something to keep him in the car? Thanks in advance. Xoxo"
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With You I am free
Summary: Severe anxiety along with other stressors leads to Kurt being shut away in his house. The loneliness this brings leads to him reaching out via Rainbow Connections, a secure website designed to bring gay teens in contact with others like them without fear. This is how he meets Blaine, but it is a long road for Kurt to allow himself to trust Blaine with his secrets.

Under Your Skin
Kurt Hummel is competing on the showBest Ink.He had made it to the final three. When he is introduced to his skin, he has no idea what an impact he will make.
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Gimme Shelter
On a joyride out with friends, Blaine stumbles upon a man that would change his life forever. It is a time when changes are coming swiftly with Civil Rights laws and Vietnam on the forefront of everyone's minds. Finding each other and romance should have been the hard part, but what will two young men endure in the time of free love and war. Story is (http://www.fanfiction.net/%7Ekurtsieswish) complete and update quickly.

Under Things Tumbling
AU Set in New York. Kurt has a reason to go to this particular laundry mat. He doesn't know his name, and the one thing he knows is that the boy is a dork. Kurt just doesn't know how right he is.
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True Love's Quest
Prince Kurt is on a quest to rescue Princess Rachel, in the hopes of finding true love. However,Prince Blaine has also been charged to save Princess Rachel. Will true love be found on the way or in the end?

See What I am Saying
Summary: Blaine is new at McKinley. There he meets a boy who captivates him. Will he be able to overcome the barriers that might keep them apart?

Not Following the Rules.
Kurt is in New York, working a job he never imagined. When he meets a young man while working, he decides to break all his rules. AU Rating just because I am paranoid.

The Tale of a Legend.
Kurt Hummel is a legend of stage, radio, tv and film. When he meets with a writer for an independent magazine, what story will he tell. AU set mainly during the 20's and 30

Into The Woods, and Out of The Woods
Blaine stumbles on a body in the woods. Is it too late to help the person he finds there? Now a 2 shot!
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Starting Series
Starting Something New
This is the missing naughty scenes from 'Starting Over'. I guess you don't really have to read that story to know what is going on, but it would probably help. Otherwise it will just be random smut.
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Starting Series
Kurt Hummel is a high school drop out, forced from his school by bullies. He is trying to start over in New York, but he is 17 and alone. Will New York be different? Plus supplemental smut

Crash Bam
A music playing in the car causes Kurt to panic. Rating to be safe.

Video Tapes
Rachel is sifting through old Glee Club tapes. What will she find? Very Kurt-sentric