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  • Joined: May 31, 2014
    Submissions: 53
    Library: 53

I love Glee! I am a klainer!. I love Blaine MPregs- You will find a lot of my stories have that!I am just an ordinary girl who loves to write and wants your reviews and comments to improve my writting and therefore the stories you read. No need for negativity though, reviewing should be nice, friendly and helpful.Thank you,Jessica Kalikona

Everything's changed

After Kurt and Blaine split up and Blaine has a child with Sebastian there is a very long road ahead for the couple.

K - Words: 2,532 - Updated: Dec 31, 2014
1,782 0 0 1
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: mpreg,

My mistake

Kurt Hummel was McKinley's biggest skank. He had pink hair and piercings, Blaine Anderson was in glee club and very popular. Kurt was his AP English partner and one night at Blaine's empty house things went too far. They had sex, Blaine lost his virginity to Kurt Hummel, after that Kurt just kept acting normal and flirting with everyone leaving Blaine to deal with it. 7 weeks later Blaine finds out he is pregnant. Will Blaine let Kurt be involved?

K - Words: 4,726 - Updated: Oct 05, 2014
2,264 0 0 0
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: mpreg,

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Blaine had always smoked weed and cannabis and he didn't want to tell Kurt but when he gets pregnant he speaks to his doctor about it and tries to quit. But when at his scan the doctor asks about smoking and drug taking Blaine has to tell the doctor about it, Kurt breaks up with him and calls him a druggie and will take him to court and get custody. Will Kurt forgive Blaine? What happens when Blaine goes into labour but is scared to have his child to then lose him. No body should be so afraid that they need to keep their baby inside them. Will Blaine quit for good?

Secrets will tear us apart...

Kurt and Blaine broke up and Blaine got with Sam but after they were on a break Kurt was back in Ohio and hooked up with Blaine, when Blaine gets pregnant it will break the lives of Kurt and Sam as until the baby is born they won't know who the dad is. What happens when Blaine starts seeing Kurt behind Sam's back. Will the secrets cause many broken hearts or will there be a happy ending?

K - Words: 3,785 - Updated: Sep 05, 2014
1,435 0 0 0
Tags: family, mpreg, hurt/comfort,

Sign, Sealed, Delivered

Blaine and Kurt have been spilt for 2 and a half years and are finally divorced, Blaine has custody of their children Carter, Leigh-Ane and Izabella. Blaine is currently in a relationship with boyfriend of 2 years Austin. Austin moved in 6 months ago and Izabella is really attached to him but when Blaine announces Austin new job involves them moving to San Francisco, Kurt realises he has lost his kids and the love of his life, can he persuade Blaine to stay?

K - Complete - Chapters: 8/? - Words: 6,959 - Updated: Aug 17, 2014
9,643 0 1 0 0
Categories: Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: family, mpreg, soulmates,

They are family

Blaine Anderson is 17 years old and looks after his little 5 year old sister Sydney and 8 year old sister Maisy after his parents die and has a 2 year old son (Issac) with his abusive ex Sebastian by himself. When he meets Kurt and gets pregnant again will he cope or will he be scared back to Sebastian? This is Blaine Anderson's story!

To always love you....

Blaine keeps being sick so when his mom takes him to the doctors they learn some shocking news that will change his life forever. Because he is 17 his mom and dad decide to make him move to Los Angeles. A year down the road Kurt finds out Blaine has had a child that is actually his. Can they move past this or will they never move on.

K - Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Words: 21,288 - Updated: Jun 02, 2014
36,369 0 2 0 0
Categories: Romance,
Tags: mpreg, soulmates,
