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  • Joined: Dec 04, 2012
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read my storys on I have two, well kinda. My first one got hacked, I was CrissColferIsEndGame21 my new one is CrissColferKlainePuppy I'm 13 years old.

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Spotlight Diner

Teen Wolf and Glee cross over.Klaine, Dantana, and Sterek.Santana, Kurt, Dani, and Rachel are working at Spotlight Diner when a guy comes in with a gun, and takes Kurt.The pack, was out for the day having fun in NY, eating at Spotlight Diner. When a guy comes in with a gun, and takes Stiles.

Forever And Always

"Now I realize loves a game, you shouldn't play around with it, cause sometimes you lose.I lost, but I'm going to play it again, and this time, I'm going to win."

K - Words: 1,066 - Updated: Aug 28, 2013
912 0 0 1
Categories: Angst,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Martinez, Finn Hudson, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, OC, Wes,
Tags: character death, futurefic, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

Where Do You Go

Kurt was raped when he was 8. now years later the man's son is at Dalton stalkering Kurt. Once Kurt finds out who he is, he runs.New chapter. 10 years later Blaine and Kurt find each other

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Cause The Hardest Part is Leaving You

This is a story of a 16 year old with cancer. His name is Kurt Hummel. Take the jouney with Kurt in his story of love, fear, and friendship

One shot, Two shot

Kurt's at work and there's a robbery. He calls Blaine to say goodbyeBased off of this,

K - Words: 104 - Updated: Jun 13, 2013
1,299 0 5 1
Categories: Angst, AU, Crime,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: character death, established relationship,

Computer Crashed :(

Hey my laptop crashed today and I'm on safty mode

K - Words: 66 - Updated: May 06, 2013
1,016 0 0 0
Categories: Horror,
Characters: Rory Flanagan,

Bad Dream

Kurt has a bad dream and breaks into Blaine's house late a night. Blaine wakes up to find Kurt but somethings wrong

T - Words: 481 - Updated: Apr 30, 2013
1,538 0 0 3
Categories: Angst, Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe,
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort,

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Book Full Of Truth

The warblers steal Kurt's dairy. Kurt learns that he has friends that care about him, and Blaine finds out Kurt loves him. And the Warblers find out Kurt has a bad history

M - Words: 954 - Updated: Apr 18, 2013
1,245 1 0 2
Categories: Angst,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Martinez, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Nick, OC, Thad, Trent, Wes,
Tags: friendship, hurt/comfort,

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Shouldn't Be A Good In Goodbye

Adam get's mad about how slow Kurt's taking their relationship, and one day he breaks down.

M - Words: 319 - Updated: Apr 18, 2013
985 0 0 0
Tags: character death, friendship, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

Mother And Child

The Warbler's find out how Kurt's mother died

T - Words: 331 - Updated: Apr 18, 2013
1,671 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, Crime, Horror, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Martinez, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Nick, Rory Flanagan, Wes,
Tags: character death, friendship, kidfic, OMG CREYS,

Dead Before The Storms Over

A hurricane hits NY and leaves Kurt in a dangerous situation. He only has minutes left and he calls the only person he wants to hear the most, Blaine.

K - Words: 757 - Updated: Apr 16, 2013
1,206 0 3 2
Categories: Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: character death, OMG CREYS,

I'm Here For You

Why does Kurt Hummel have yellow ribbons in his bedroom?

K - Words: 398 - Updated: Apr 13, 2013
1,012 0 0 0
Categories: Angst,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Martinez, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Nick, Wes,
Tags: friendship, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

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And Flowers Will Grow

"It was raining. That was the first thing Kurt Hummel noticed upon waking up." Kurt wakes up after getting into a car accident. Blaine's on the phone, trying to keep him talking, so that Blaine knows he's alive. Oneshot.

M - Words: 1,120 - Updated: Apr 13, 2013
1,018 0 0 1
Categories: Angst, Horror, Songfics,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Martinez, Kurt Hummel, Wes,
Tags: character death, friendship, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

Kiss Goodnight

A car hit Kurt and now he's left in the hospital

K - Complete - Chapters: 2/2 - Words: 1,976 - Updated: Apr 06, 2013
1,833 0 0 0 0
Categories: Angst,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Finn Hudson, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Nick,
Tags: character death, friendship, hurt/comfort,

I Was Praying That Maybe You And I Might Get Together

What should of happend when Blaine said Kurt was like Karofsky
