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  • Joined: Aug 02, 2012
    Submissions: 11
    Library: 11

So...hello! Fancy meeting you here! Since you've moseyed on over to my profile page, let me tell you a bit about myself. I am an avid reader, and apparently now writer, of fanfiction. I post my fluffier stuff here and have a few things that are smuttier over on the GKM. I'm thinking of moving some stories here. What do you all think? PM me if you might want that. Anywho...I use sarcasm, the word shenanigans, and semi-colons entirely too much. The last of the three I'm still not sure I use correctly in most situations even being in the second year of my graduate program. I hate blue food. Seriously, it grosses me out. I worked in the ER as a secretary for a few years so I think I'm a doctor and like to diagnose in my spare time. I love music. Currently populating my playlist is Ingrid Michealson, Bob Marley, Fats Domino, Kate Nash, Panic at the Disco, Billie Holiday, Jim Croce, The Doors, any Glee song by Klaine and some not, any recording by Darren Criss that I could get my hands on...and Scotland the Brave on bagpipes because I'm special like that. I love androgeny and I wish the fashion from Japan would truly infiltrate the US because I want to buy a lot of it. I ship Klaine. I love that pair, especially subby!Blaine. However, I did have to google what 'ship' meant a few years ago when I joined this scene before I could say that with confidence :D. I also love Darren Criss entirely too much- especially his original stuff. I hope he plays 'Stutter' or 'Categories' at his Boston show because I'll be there and I hope they're on his upcoming album because I need studio versions of them like I need air. Yeah...I think that's it. Nice to meet you! K

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Hold Me and Sing a Lullaby

When Kurt agrees to fly out with Santana to meet her new mail-order bride he never expects to fall in love. Blaine, the broken, abused boy returned after a badly arranged marriage and who has become nothing more than the centers glorified slave catches Kurt's eye. Can Kurt help Blaine heal and find out what it means to be truly loved and cherished or is Blaine too broken?A Klaine mail-order bride AU story.

E - In Progress - Chapters: 10/? - Words: 66,747 - Updated: Apr 28, 2013
11,266 0 1 1 40
Categories: AU, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Hunter Clarington, Kurt Hummel, Mike Chang, OC, Santana Lopez, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: non-con, hurt/comfort,
