My name is Cynthia, I'm French and I used to study British/American literature and civilization. I'm new to this fandom as in the 'writing fanfiction' is concerned. So far, I have only started to write one story for Kurt/Blaine. I personally prefer editing videos but sometimes the urge to write is too strong to resist.
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Happiness comes with baggage
Blaine is a musician who loves living during the night and barely works during the day. He has a string of one night stands and never commits to relationships. Kurt is the complete opposite; married once with two kids and a second lasting relationship from which he got a girl. The two meet one day when it's heavily raining and both of their days have been a series of disasters...Pairings: Kurt/Blaine,(mentioned)Past Blaine/OC, Blaine/OCs (one night stands), (mentioned)Past Kurt/OCs. Mentioned: Nick/Jeff, Tina/Mike, Puck/Quinn, past one sided Kurt/Puck, past Finn/Rachel, past Finn/Jesse

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The Perfect Plan
AU Future 2020. Kurt and Blaine have never met in highschool. Blaine shares a flat with Rachel and Quinn and Nick and Jeff are his best (irritating) friends. They're all invited to Sam's wedding with Mercedes. Blaine goes stag and meet a young man who has a crazy idea for them both.