My name is Sarah, and I’m 22 years old. I live in Maryland, where I go to school for photography, also getting my certificate in education. I work at a crazy place called Medieval Times as a photographer, but I want to grow up to be a Disney Princess. I like dinosaurs and kittens, wear converse, and take lots of photos. I’m a Starkid, and I love Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Harry Potter. I have a complicated relationship with Glee. I love reading and writing fan fiction, and always welcome prompts.

Learn to Fly
Outtakes and missing moments fromThese Broken Wings. Chapter Five, "Soulmate":Blaine and Kurt hear about the happenings in each other's lives as the years go on.
Categories: Angst, AU, Romance, Tragedy, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Mike Chang, OC, Rachel Berry, Tina Cohen-Chang, Tags: character death, futurefic, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,
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The Atmosphere Comes to Life
Kurt Hummel died once.At least, he almost did. He never found out for sure exactly what happened. He was certain, though, because he was later informed, that he flat-lined for a few aching minutes.He supposed then, technically speaking, that he did, in fact, die. But they brought him back to life. He didn't know how they did it, or even why, but they managed it. Torchwood.Glee/Torchwood AU
Categories: AU, Crossover, Supernatural, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Brittany Pierce, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel, Mike Chang, Noah Puckerman, Quinn Fabray, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Sebastian Smythe, Tina Cohen-Chang,
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These Broken Wings
When Kurt becomes a widower at the age of 29, he and his son return to Lima to try to pick up the pieces. Perhaps the one person who can save him is someone that he had forgotten was there all along.[Story IS completed, just being edited and uploaded. Written during Season 3, so some parts are slightly AU. Season 4 has not been taken into account.]
Categories: Angst, AU, Romance, Tragedy, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Mike Chang, OC, Rachel Berry, Tina Cohen-Chang, Tags: character death, futurefic, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,
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Bury Me in Satin
1940s AU. Blaine and a dozen other soldiers are desperate for a drink when they stumble upon 'Scandals', which isn't exactly what they expected. But maybe the young brunette behind the bar is something he didn't know he was looking for.Death, violence, sexual situations.
Categories: Angst, AU, Romance, Tragedy, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Tags: character death, OMG CREYS,
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When Kurt becomes a widower at the age of 29, he and his son return to Lima to try to pick up the pieces. Perhaps the one person who can save him is someone that he had forgotten was there all along. Containing These Broken Wings and accompanying fics.
Categories: Angst, AU, Romance, Tragedy, Tags: character death, futurefic, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,