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- Joined: Aug 17, 2011 Submissions: 29 Library: 29
Likes to write, but loves to read more.

Kurt is puzzled after Blaine gives him a flower and tells him to search for the meaning.
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Kurt Hummel closed his eyes and let out a shaky breath as strong, warm arms embraced him, hugging him firmly to his boyfriend's side. With a shaky laugh, he turned his head in the direction of Blaine, his eyes still tightly shut as Blaine pressed fleeting kisses on his eyelids.

Unexpected: A Tale of Two Gays
It started with a thank you. Tumblr!Klaine.

Five Times Rachel Thought She Was In Love
Five times Rachel thought she was in love with Blaine and one time she realised that Blaine didn't love her back.
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San and Becky don't get on and they keep fighting and I just know everyone'll feel better with you there. You're a special dolphin. Everyone loves you. And you could really bend. There aren't many boys on the squad who can do that.

Klaine and the Pea
Ever heard the tale of 'The Princess and the Pea? Well, a certain Blaine Anderson has...

Aliens and Lyrics: Meeting
Kurt Hummel thought it would be an ordinary school day at William McKinley. Getting tossed into a dumpster was not an event that he expected to change that.