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  • Joined: May 05, 2015
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A Beautiful Sin

"You know it's different with you than it is with her, but I have my family to consider. I can't loose their respect again Kurt, it'll break her heart and their hearts" "But it's perfectly okay to break mine?" Blaine Anderson lives a normal life, he works a standard job and lives in a decent apartment with his steady girlfriend Tina in New York. Everything seems average until he meets Kurt Hummel and nothing will ever be the same again. He's the excitement and adventure Blaine so desperatley craves, forcing him to commit so many beautiful sins. Blaine must make a choice, whether to follow his heart and be who he truly is or earn his family's respect and loose Kurt forever.

E - Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Words: 3,499 - Updated: Aug 22, 2015
913 0 1 0 0
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Drama, Humor, PWP, Romance,
Tags: established relationship, family, first time, friendship, soulmates, OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,
