author • member
- Joined: Aug 07, 2011 Submissions: 7 Library: 7

How NOT to change a baby
Blaine learns the hard way of how to not change his son Sammy.

The Beginning of Forever
Burt and Carole Hummel and Jenna Anderson cordially invite you to the wedding of and reception for their two sons, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel and Blaine Devon Anderson. Shhh! Quickly now! Find your seat as the ceremony has already begun'

An Evening with the Hummel-Andersons
This is a snapshot of one evening in the Hummel-Anderson household. This little scene is how I envision a moment of Kurt and Blaine's lives in the future.

Falling In Love In A Hospital
An AU Klaine story based on the story on how two friends of ours met and fell in love. Theirs is truly an inspiring tale.

Hey Ej it me emma from Glee wika.. So right now I going to stalk your one-shots and the storys you have read...