July 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
July 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
Based off of this prompt from tumblr -someone write me a fic about eatly!klaine at dalton where blaine wears lingerie under his uniform and one day kurt comes into blaine's dorm room without letting him know ahead of time and he catches blaine changing out of his blazer and everything and putting on more casual clothes for the evening, like sweatpants or whatever, and kurt sees everything and panics and runs out of the room mumbling apologies, and blaine is like, mortified and freaking out, and neither one of them knows what to say about it afterward, and finally blaine texts him like "i guess we're over, then, huh?" and kurt says no and eventually admits that it was actually hot (and he may or may not have jerked off after running all the way back to his own room).and then they make out in blaine's bed and kurt just reaches down into blaine's pants to feel all the lace and asldkfjsadf *SCREAMS INTO THE NIGHT*