March 10, 2012, 6:39 a.m.
March 10, 2012, 6:39 a.m.
It's that time of year again. District 4 prepares for the annual reaping, a random selection of one boy and one girl, to participate in their Capitol's annual Hunger Games. These selected Tributes must fight and betray one another in this winner takes all fight to the death. However, when Kurt Hummel is selected as Tribute of District 4, Blaine Anderson eagerly steps up to take the spot of his boyfriend, knowing full well that the odds are not in favor. Will he make it out alive?
Author's Notes: Context: This is an AU world. The Glee Cast is in District 4 when the reaping is done. The main characters of the Hunger Games are there too, and are slightly mixed throughout the story. My suggestion when reading this is to take it for what the story is worth. Do no ask "Where's Katniss?" or "Where's ____?" Just read it with an open mind.Please note: I guarantee there are probably grammar mistakes. I tend to miss stuff. So I apologize for any mistakes. Leave me your thoughts, critiques, etc. Be brutal. Thanks! For more stories please visit and follow my tumblr: (hellyeahdarrencriss.tumblr.com) hellyeahdarrencriss.tumblr.com