May 9, 2012, 6:01 p.m.
May 9, 2012, 6:01 p.m.
It's you, Kurt blurted. It was the boy he met the day of his mother's funeral, the one who had a knack for showing up whenever Kurt needed him, the one he hadn't seen in six years. Blaine. What Kurt didn't know was that Blaine had never left, not for a second.
Beautiful story. The best thing - I dare say - is the twist in the epilogue. Amazing.
I love this story! IT'S SO AMAZING. I love the concept. It makes me want to cry. <3 But with happy tears.
Wooooow.... why Britt must forget Santana? That's so sad... And poor Blaine, I think that being apart of Kurt probably hurts more than... I don't know...everything I can imagine now. It's very pleasant to read this story. At least, I can practice my english (it's very hard to be a Klainer in a latin country. Sometimes you can find very geat stories, but is not the common rule) Go ahead! I'll be waiting!