May 15, 2013, 9:20 a.m.
May 15, 2013, 9:20 a.m.
They say that a bird cannot love a fish. But who are the nameless they, to define love? (Bird!Blaine/Mereman!Kurt AU)
Author's Notes: This story is complete. It will be posted one chapter a night until it's all up (7 chapters total). Big thanks to Irina, the pushiest beta ever, for getting into the doc and doing her thaaaaang. All my livestreamers, who joined me and kept the secret about what the fic was, just so watch me write and cheer me on. And everyone who put up with me rambling about this thing. Enjoy, and find me on Tumblr (lurkdusoleil) for more about the fic (in the tag #fic: one spectacle grander)