April 29, 2012, 2:43 p.m.
April 29, 2012, 2:43 p.m.
AU- inspired by the BBC miniseries Downton Abbey. Set in the same time period as that show. Blaine Anderson is a valet ( man's personal servant) who was just fired form his first job at Dalton manor for unknown reasons, and has been recommended to Lord Hummel to work for his son, Master Kurt. Blaine excepts his newest master to be spoiled, rude and boring, and is estatic to find himself wrong in every way. Kurt is charming, funny, generous, and seems to have a lot of secrets; secrets that for some reason he can't stop himself fromtelling Blaine.
Author's Notes: This is my first ever fanfiction! Yay! So that means that the smut is also a first time experience, and seeing as I am as virginal as Rachel Berry in the first season, it might not be as good as it could be.Downton Abbey is my favorite TV show second only to Glee, and while I was watching it one day, a butler kissed a duke, and my Klaine senses started going crazy. In no way or form is this a crossover fic, I'm just using the historical facts and some phrases I've learned from the show.If you notice any errors regarding the time period that this is set in, please tell me. I would like this to be as realistic as possible.If I get enough interest I'll write more, seeing as while I was writing it in my head I was planning for this to have mutliple chapter fic. Reviews and rates would be so amazing.talk to me on Tumblr too!kurtskumblainesbum.tumblr.com HAPPY KLAINING