Oct. 24, 2012, 8:13 a.m.
Oct. 24, 2012, 8:13 a.m.
Kurt Hummel's future is all falling into place. He's head cheerleader for the multi-National Championship-winning Cheerios, he recently started dating the head quarterback Finn Hudson, and he's got enough money saved up that, along with a cheerleading scholarship, should be able to pay for his college education. An education that will occur far away from the backwater town he's grown up in.Until one night at a party, it all changes. One indiscretion with the devastatingly handsome (and infuriatingly annoying) leader of the school gang the Skanks, Blaine Anderson, has unforeseen consequences that may lay waste to all of Kurt's carefully orchestrated plans.
Author's Notes: Set in an AU where male pregnancies aren't strictly common, but they're considered fairly normal.Written for a (http://glee-kink-meme.livejournal.com/34234.html?thread=44759226#t44759226) prompt on the glee-kink-meme on LiveJournal.