Oct. 26, 2011, 1:38 a.m.
Oct. 26, 2011, 1:38 a.m.
AU Future 2020. Kurt and Blaine have never met in highschool. Blaine shares a flat with Rachel and Quinn and Nick and Jeff are his best (irritating) friends. They're all invited to Sam's wedding with Mercedes. Blaine goes stag and meet a young man who has a crazy idea for them both.
Author's Notes: Kurt's idea and the setting of the fic is mainly inspired from an episode from season 1 of 'How I met your mother' There's no need of having seen it to understand the story. I will try to update the fic at least once a week (twice if I manage it). I don't really know how many parts there'll be but I have the main story planned out already. This is my very first time at writing for this fandom and this pairing.