June 29, 2012, 12:17 p.m.
June 29, 2012, 12:17 p.m.
Blaine has been in love with Kurt Hummel ever since that day in fifth grade band class. But does Kurt feel the same way? How will Blaine win him into his arms? Definitely not by the sound of his Baritone.Band Geeks!Klaine
Author's Notes: I thought that Kurt and Blaine needed to be in band. If they can sing, they can play instruments.
Ahhhhhh, I was scrolling through the 'OMG CREYS' catagory and I saw this, and I haven't read it yet but I know it will be good, and also, I PLAY THE BAROTONE. Or used to, I still have it, and know how to play it but I switched to Trombone.