Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2011, 5 a.m.
AU where The Glee club is established the kids Senior/Junior year rather then their Sophomore/freshmen year. Blaine transferred to McKinley his Junior year from Columbus where he was Captain of Speech and Debate team. One of the founders of the Chess team and a top player on his bowling team, needless to say Blaine was a Geek. but in Columbus being a Geek was AWESOME. Blaine was the most popular student so to his astonishment when he got to McKinley and saw the trophy cases alone he knew he was in a brand new world. Being popular was all he knew so Blaine joined the football team as Wide-receiver and started winning big for McKinley taking them to state his first year. However, its his senior year now and the only things he wants is to be happy and no one makes him happier then Kurt. Kurt, Rachel Mercedes Tina and Artie are the Glee club, Kurt and Rachel are in the Drama club. Kurt personally hates all athletes and thinks they are all the exact same. He goes throw hell, thrown into lockers, slushied, tossed into dumpsters. So why should he give Blaine, a star football player, the time of day? Blaine will show Kurt the old him but will Kurt respond to the bowtie wearing jock?
AU: In a world where Finn never joined glee club (but it still lasted 3 years) merging the popular kids with the gleeks; Blaine is hopelessly in love with Kurt but as a football player he can't date outside the social pyramid. He tries to get Kurt's attention but Kurt refuses to date a shallow popular kid. Blaine does everything in his power to change Kurt's mind.
*Sequel To Free To Be You And Me* Blaine has done it! he mixed the popular kids with the glee kids. Not all of the popular Students have adapted to this new world order but at least Blaine can talk to Kurt....Since Blaine has made a full 180 he has proved to Kurt that he is Mr. Right, only Kurt has a secret that can later jeopardize his life.