With You, Everything's Okay. Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

With You, Everything's Okay.

Sequel to I Think I Love You. What happens after Blaine and Kurt's hook up in the locker room? Blaine has decided to come out to the rest of the school, but how will he handle being on the other end of the abuse he's always dished out?

T - Words: 1,418 - Last Updated: Dec 07, 2013
805 1 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes:

Well theres that. I hope you all liked it. :)

-Krystal :) x

“You know we don't have to do this right? You don't have to rush into this.”


“If I don't do it now, who knows when I'll be ready to try again. It's now or never Kurt, let's go.” Blaine let out a shaky sigh and stepped out of the car. This was it, this was the day he was going to come out to the McKinley High student body by walking down the hall, hand in hand with his boyfriend. He was still shocked that Kurt had actually agreed to date him considering their history.


“Are you ready?” Kurt asked, looking at Blaine worriedly. He was giving him one last chance to back out, the last thing he wanted to do was pressure Blaine into coming out.


“Not really, but yes.” Blaine gripped Kurt's hand tightly, opening the door and walking into McKinley High, scared but not alone.


They heard the shocked gasps and whispers that followed them as they walked, but neither Kurt or Blaine payed attention, instead focusing on getting to Blaine's locker. Kurt kept a firm grip on Blaine's hand, a reminder that he was there. Kurt knew it was risky for them to come out like this, but it was what Blaine had wanted, so Kurt was giving it to him.


They had just made it to Blaine's locker when Karofsky, flanked by three other football players came up to them. “What the fuck Anderson, since when did you become a fag?”


Blaine just ignored them in favor of getting his history book from his locker. He wasn't going to let them get to him.


“Hey, I asked you a question.” Karofsky grabbed Blaine's arm and spun him around.


“Back off Karofsky.” Blaine warned. He'd expected his ‘friends' to say something considering the way he and everyone else had treated Kurt, he just didn't think it would happen before first period even started.


“Or what? What're you gonna do about it Anderson?” Karofsky took a step forward, sneering at Blaine.


“Just back off. I'm not going to do anything, you're not worth wasting my time on.” Blaine just wanted to get to class, he has a test he needs to study for.


“Oh yeah? Well I'm going to do something.” Karofsky said, taking the cup filled with blue slushie from one of the boys behind him and throwing it at Blaine and Kurt, covering both of them in blue ice. “Later homos.”


Before Kurt could stop him, Blaine launched himself at Karofsky, knocking him to the ground.


“Blaine! Blaine stop, please!” Kurt had known something like this was going to happen sooner or later, he just hadn't thought about Blaine snapping so easily.


“Hey! Break it up!” Coach Beiste came running down the hall, followed by Mr. Schue both having heard the commotion from the teacher's lounge.


“Don't ever call me a fag again!” Blaine screamed as Mr. Schue struggled to hold him back.


“He started it, he just came at me! I didn't do anything!” Karofsky tried to play innocent, not that anyone actually believed him.


“He called me and my boyfriend fags and threw a slushie at us! He's the one that started it!”


“Alright, alright, that's enough!” Coach Beiste yelled over them. “Both of you are going to see Principal Figgins, let's go.”




“Get to class Kurt.” Mr. Schue stopped Kurt from following, ushering Blaine towards the office.


Kurt sighed, closing Blaine's locker before heading to his own to get the change of clothes he kept there for this exact situation. As he walked to the bathroom, he couldn't help but think of how this whole ordeal will affect Blaine. Will he shut down and shut Kurt out? Will he go back to being the jerk he was before? Kurt could only hope Blaine cared for him enough to not give up.




Kurt was pretty sure he was losing his mind. It was down to the final class of the day and he hadn't seen or heard from Blaine. He'd been expecting a text or something, letting him know what had went down in the principal's office, but his phone remained silent the whole day. He was starting to think Blaine had left without telling him until he walked past the locker room and heard someone inside at the punching bag. As he stepped inside, Kurt prayed to a God he doesn't believe in, that the persons was Blaine.


“Blaine, is that you?” Kurt called out, rounding the corner slowly, just isn't it wasn't.


“What do you want Kurt?” Blaine asked, pausing his assault on the bag. He really doesn't want to to see Kurt right now, actually he doesn't want to see anyone.


“I've been looking for you all day. I was worried about you after what happened this morning. Are you okay?” Kurt moved to sit on the bench, waiting for Blaine to answer.


“Honestly, no, no I'm not and I want to be alone right now, so can you just go?” Blaine asked, turning away from Kurt to resume his workout.


“Blaine please, we-”


“I said go!” Blaine shouted. “It was a mistake to come out, everything was a mistake, just leave me alone.”


“I know you don't really mean that, and I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to stay right here until you calm down, then we're going to talk about this. I won't let you push me away over this Blaine.” Kurt smirked at Blaine as he got comfortable. He'd wait here all night if he has too, he's not giving up so easily.


Blaine just shook his head and resumed punching, Kurt would leave eventually. After ten minutes of Kurt just sitting there staring at him, Blaine felt his anger disappearing. He got one last good punch in before he turned to face Kurt. “Do you know how difficult you are?”


“I wouldn't say difficult, I just don't give up easily, especially on people who are important to me.” Kurt pointed out as Blaine sat down beside him. “And before you asked, yes you're important to me.”


“I'm sorry I snapped at you. I'm just knew to all of this, I didn't mean to take my frustrations out on you.” Blaine hung his head, not looking up until he felt Kurt's hands on his.


“I forgive you Blaine. I knew something like this was bound to happen, I was just hoping they wouldn't be so harsh with you because you're one of them.”


“I think me being one of them made it worse to be honest, they feel betrayed I guess.”


“What happened with Principal Figgins? Kurt asked, still holding Blaine's hands in his lap.


“He was going to suspend us for fighting, but we have a big game this week, so he just let us off with a warning. This school cares more about sports than punishing students, it's kind of ridiculous.”


“That's McKinley High for you.” Kurt laughed, squeezing Blaine's hands. “Are you going to be okay?”


“I think so. I mean it's going to take some getting use to, but I'll manage as long as I have you.” Blaine smiled and nudged Kurt's shoulder.


“I'll always be here for you Blaine, always.” Kurt moved one of his hands up to cup Blaine's jaw, feeling a slight stubble against his thumb.


“You know, last time we were in here I told you I thought loved with you.”


“Yeah, I remember.” Kurt smiled. He was pretty sure he'd never forget that day.


“Well this time I'm going to tell you that I definitely am in love with you Kurt, and no one can change that, you're stuck with me now.”


“I love you too Blaine.” Kurt chuckled, leaning in to brush his lips against Blaine's.


“Why don't we get out of here, my house is empty for the next two days.” Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear, laughing when he felt Kurt shiver against him.


“That sounds perfect.” Kurt whispered back, standing up and pulling Blaine with him.

They left the locker room with their heads held high and their hands clasped together. It's still not going to be easy, but they'll manage because they have each other.


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