We're In This Together Or Not At All. Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

We're In This Together Or Not At All.

Warnings for m!preg. Don't like it, don't read it.Blaine Anderson's life is about to be turned upside down. After a hook-up with head Cheerio Kurt Hummel, Blaine finds out he's pregnant. He didn't tell Kurt that he was a carrier, so how is he suppose to tell Kurt? How is he, a 17 year old high school senior suppose to take care of a baby?

T - Words: 1,464 - Last Updated: Dec 01, 2013
2,244 2 0 0
Categories: Angst, AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: mpreg,

Author's Notes:

Im pretty happy with how this turned out, so I decided to publish it. I was very unsure when I wrote it if I was going to actually put it up or not. 

Last warning, if you dont like M!Preg, you should probably stop reading. 

Blaine couldn't believe it, things like this didn't happen to people like him. He couldn't tell his parents, not yet anyway, they would be so disappointed. He couldn't tell his brother, Cooper couldn't keep a secret to save his life. He couldn't tell his friends, as much as he loved them, they would turn this into something bigger than he wanted or needed right now. There was only one person he could tell and he wasn't sure if he even wanted to tell him. With a heavy sigh, Blaine heaved himself up off the cold floor of the McKinley High School boys bathroom, stepped out of the stall and went to the sink, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His entire life was about to change, he is pregnant, and popular head Cheerio Kurt Hummel is the father.


Blaine sat in glee club trying to think of a way to tell Kurt about his... condition. He was pretty sure no matter how he broke the news, Kurt would react the same. He would tell Blaine to get lost, that it wasn't his problem, he would laugh in Blaine's face and tell the whole school, then Blaine would be left alone to raise a child he hadn't planned for. His plans for New York, for NYADA, all trashed because he would be too busy being a single parent. He sighed as Mr. Schue droned on about this week's assignment, thinking back to the day this had all started. Kurt had found him in the library where he was trying to study for his chemistry test, and managed to convince Blaine to come out to the parking lot and help him get his car started. Blaine had known he shouldn't go, Kurt's father is a mechanic for crying out loud, he didn't need help from Blaine, but he still found himself following Kurt outside to the practically deserted parking lot. He knew Kurt's reputation he knew better than climbing into the back seat of Kurt's Navigator and letting him have his way, but it had felt so good that Blaine couldn't bring himself to stop, not even when Kurt said he didn't have condoms, giving Blaine the chance to back out. Of course Blaine knew he was a carrier, he should've told Kurt, he should've stopped it right then and there, but Kurt Hummel, head Cheerio, the most popular guy in school wanted him, and Blaine couldn't say no. He knew it was a mistake then, and he definitely knows it was a mistake now.


“Okay Blaine, it's been two weeks, two weeks that you've been acting like you just got the worst news of your life. What's going on with you?” Tina asked during lunch.

“I'm just tired Tina, senior year is a lot more stressful and exhausting than I thought it was going to be.” It wasn't a lie, he was tired, he hadn't been able to sleep since he found out he was pregnant. He was stressed, how could he not be, he was a pregnant seventeen year old boy.


“I think it's more than just you being stressed because of school. I've seen you stressed before, this is different.” Tina wasn't letting up on the subject, she wanted to know what was going on with her friend.


“I'm just tired Tina, that's all it is, can we please talk about something else?” Blaine pushed his half eaten salad away, his stomach already feeling queasy. How was he ever going to survive nine months of this?


Kurt sat at his lunch table, not paying attention to whatever Quinn was going on about, it's not like he really cares anyway. Instead, he was watching the table full of glee club members, namely the cute one with the bowties, Anderson, Kurt thought his name was. Kurt had been watching him ever since he had seduced the boy and had sex with him in the backseat of his Navigator. Kurt had been trying to think of a way to approach Anderson, sure it was social suicide and Kurt really couldn't afford being seen with him, but he had been a good fuck and he was actually really hot if you could look past his wardrobe choices. Kurt had noticed a change in the boy over the last two weeks, a change that made Kurt want to talk to him that much more. The boy seemed sad, scared, and even a little lost. Kurt frowned as he watched the boy turn away from his barely touched lunch. What was wrong with this boy? Did it have something to do with their hook-up? Kurt needed to find out.


“Hey Anderson, we need to talk.” Kurt was waiting outside the choir room, his eyes finding Blaine's quickly, motioning for him to follow.

Blaine's heart stopped beating, why did Kurt want to talk to him? Did he know about the pregnancy somehow? “I-I-”


“It wasn't exactly a suggestion Blaine.” Kurt said, softening his tone a bit, he didn't want to scare the boy.


“O-okay.” Blaine moved away from his friends, waving them off as he followed Kurt outside to his car. “I don't want-”


“Just get in.” Kurt rolled his eyes as he got into the driver's seat and started the engine. “After our hook-up, I wanted to talk to you, but I wasn't sure how to go about it. I had almost decided not to even bother with it until I saw you with your friends at lunch. You seemed sad and scared, I wanted to find out if it had anything to do with what we did, so I did some research seeing as I didn't even know your first name. You're Blaine Devon Anderson, born April 9, 1994, senior, glee club member, New York lover, and hopeful NYADA applicant.


“How did you-”


“Miss Pillsbury is easily persuaded to give up information if you know which of her buttons to push.” Kurt said, side eyeing Blaine as he pulled into his driveway. “Do you want to come inside?”


“Do I have a choice?” Blaine scoffed, trying not to show just how nervous he was.


“Of course. If you want, I'll drive you home right now and never speak to you again. I just- I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Kurt admitted, looking down at his hands.


“Really? Why would you even care?” Blaine meant his words to come out with some bite, but he just sounded scared and slightly hopeful.


“Yes really, and I care because I like you, I think you're cute, no, I think you're hot and you seem like a really sweet guy.”


“But?” Blaine prompted.


“But I'm the head Cheerio, it's complete social suicide to even be seen talking to a glee loser, let alone like a glee loser.” Kurt sighed, running his hands through his hair. “Still, I do like you, so I'm going to ask again, do you want to come in or-”


“I'm pregnant.” Blaine blurted out. “I'm pregnant with your baby and I'm keeping it.”


“W-what?” Kurt was sure he'd heard wrong, Blaine couldn't be pregnant, not unless he's a-


“I'm a carrier Kurt, I should've told you when we... you know, but I didn't because I didn't want you to stop, I wanted you so bad, no one has ever wanted me like that and I couldn't tell you because you wouldn't have wanted me. I understand if you hate me and never want to talk to me again, just please, please don't tell anyone. I'll get out of your car right now and walk home, just don't say anything, I'll tell people when I'm ready.” Blaine felt tears sting his eyes as he reached for the door handle.


“Blaine stop, just stop. I'm not letting you walk home, it's too far. Just come inside, we'll talk this out okay? I'm not going to make you go through this alone.” Kurt opened his door and rushed around to the passenger side. “This is why you've been acting so different isn't it? You were afraid I would reject you and tell everyone at school.”


Blaine just nodded, wiping his eyes, not letting himself believe that Kurt was actually going to be there for him, he couldn't get his hopes up just yet.


“Oh Blaine, I would never- god. I may be a bitch but I'm not heartless, you're carrying our baby, I could never reject you, not when I'm the who knocked you up. We'll figure this out, together, alright?”

“O-okay.” Blaine smiled slightly, taking Kurt's hand after he had gotten out of the Navigator. Maybe this whole pregnancy thing wouldn't be so bad after all.


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