Fix A Heart 'Verse One Shot #2. Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Fix A Heart 'Verse One Shot #2.

It's time to welcome some new additions to the Fix A Heart 'Verse. :) I hope you enjoy this little one-shot.

K - Words: 2,219 - Last Updated: Oct 10, 2013
609 0 0 0
Categories: AU, General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, OC,
Tags: established relationship, family, futurefic,

Author's Notes:

Everything works out in the end of course. Now Kurt and Blaine each have biological children. :) The next one shot will be up ASAP. I hope you enjoyed this one.

-Krystal :) x

They didn't plan this, this was something you couldn't plan. Sure they had planned to have another kid, but they sure as hell didn't plan for their newest addition to be born on the same day as Rachel and Finn's first.

"I promised Rachel I would be there with her, she's going to kill me." Kurt sighed as he slumped into one of the hard plastic waiting room chairs.

"I think she'll understand Kurt, it's not like we knew our baby was going to be born on the same day as hers." Blaine tried to comfort Kurt, they had been waiting a while and he knew Kurt was getting more and more anxious as time went on.

"Why aren't we allowed in there? It's our baby, we should be allowed in there."

"She's having a C-section Kurt, we would only be in the doctor's way." Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's shoulder, trying to sooth him. He would never admit it, but he was getting anxious too, did it really take this long for a c-section?

"I need coffee. Do you want anything?" Kurt stood up, unable to sit still any longer.

"I'm fine. I'll call you if anything changes."

Kurt squeezed Blaine's shoulder before walking out of the tiny waiting room, making his way to the cafeteria.

Blaine let out a shaky sigh as soon as Kurt left, he didn't want to let Kurt see how nervous he was. He had just stood up to stretch when Finn walked out into the room beaming like it was Christmas.

"How's Rachel and the baby?" Blaine asked as soon as he saw Finn.

"They're good, Rachel's sleeping and Christina is with the nurses getting cleaned up." Finn fell into one of the chairs, running his hands through his already messy hair. "I can't believe I'm a dad now, like it's really happening."

"It's an amazing feeling, seeing your kid for the first time. I still remember when Ari and Payton were born and the first time I saw them, I have never experienced anything like that."

"You guys still haven't heard anything?"

"No, not yet. Kurt's getting anxious and so am I, it's been almost an hour now."

"Everything will be fine man, don't worry." Finn patted Blaine on the back and gave him his usual lopsided grin.

"Mr. Hudson, your daughter is in the nursery if you'd like to come hold her now." One of the nurses said, standing in the doorway.

"Tell Kurt I said to hang in there, and if you guys need me, just come and get me."

"We will, thanks Finn."

"No problem bro." Finn followed the nurse back to the nursery, leaving Blaine alone in the waiting room yet again.

"Hey, was that Finn?" Kurt asked, coming over to sit beside Blaine, handing him a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thanks, and yeah, that was Finn. We have a little niece now, they went with Christina." Blaine smiled, thinking about being an uncle.

"That's great, I'm glad she's okay. How's Rachel?"

"She's resting, I'm sure she's exhausted."

"Mr. and Mr. Anderson-Hummel?" A nurse poked her head out into the waiting room.

"Y-yes?" Kurt's head shot up, he took Blaine's hand in his, afraid of what the nurse was going to say.

"Would you like to meet your daughter now?" The nurse smiled, opening the door to let them through.

Blaine couldn't help but let out a sob, he had been so worried that things weren't going to work, Lucy had been rushed into an emergency c-section and had lost a lot of blood.

"She's here. Our baby's here." Kurt whispered, hugging his husband tightly.

Blaine laughed happily, wiping the tears from his face. "Yeah she is, let's go meet her." He stood up and took Kurt's hand, following the nurse back to the nursery.

"Your surrogate is resting in recovery, she lost quite a bit of blood, but she'll be fine as long as she gets the rest she needs." The nurse explained as they walked back the hall towards the nursery.

"As long as she's okay we'll make sure she has what she needs to recover."

The nurse smiled at them as she opened the door to the nursery. "We put her right beside her cousin."

"Hey guys, she's beautiful." Finn was sitting in one of the rocking chairs, holding his daughter.

"Thank you." Kurt said to the nurse before walking over to the crib where his newborn daughter was sleeping. "She is beautiful." He whispered, gripping Blaine's waist for support.

"She looks just like you." Blaine said in awe, he thought it would be a good idea to have Kurt be the bio dad this time around, and now that he's seen their daughter, he knew they had made the right decision.

"She looks like my mom." Kurt couldn't stop staring at his beautiful little girl, sleeping soundly in her crib.

"Elizabeth. We should name her after your mother." Blaine suggested.


"I want to, Elizabeth Mae Anderson-Hummel."

"It's beautiful Blaine, thank you." Kurt looked into Blaine's eyes, knowing Blaine would understand what he couldn't say with words.

"Aren't you going to hold her?" Finn asked, still rocking Christina.

"She's sleeping Finn, we don't want to wake her up." Kurt rolled his eyes, taking a seat beside Finn. "She's beautiful Finn, I think she had your nose."

"Really? I think she looks like Rachel." Finn pulled the pink blanket away from Christina's face so Kurt could see her better.

"No, she definitely looks like you." Kurt had seen enough of Finn's baby pictures to know that she was a spitting image of her father.

"Do you want to hold her?" Finn asked, holding her out for Kurt.

"I'd love to." Kurt smiled, taking the little bundle into his arms. "Hey there little one, I'm your uncle Kurt."

Finn stood up and walked over to stand beside Blaine, knowing his daughter was in good hands. "Where's Ari and Payton?"

"With their grandparents at the hotel. We didn't want them here just yet."

"She really does look like Kurt, doesn't she."

"Yeah. You know, when Kurt and I first started thinking about having kids, I always pictured out kids looking just like him. Ari looks nothing like him, she's definitely my kid, Payton looks a little like him, but I think that's because of the blue eyes. Her, she looks exactly like him, the pale skin, the hair, everything."

"I think it's really cool that you named her after Kurt's mom, he might not admit it, but I know he really appreciates it."

"We had talked about it, but we agreed we wouldn't pick out names until we saw him or her. As soon as I saw her, I knew she had to be named Elizabeth there was no other choice." Blaine smiled down at his daughter, seeing her starting to stir. "Kurt, I think she's waking up."

"Well bring her over here, I want her to meet her cousin."

Blaine picked Elizabeth up and walked over to where Kurt was sitting. "Elizabeth, this is your big cousin Christina. You two are going to be seeing a lot of each other, so might as well get to know each other now."

"Do you think their eyes will stay blue?" Finn asked, sitting beside Kurt.

"Maybe, maybe not. As they get older their eyes will start to change into the color they're suppose to have. Ari was born with grey eyes and now her's are as golden as Blaine's."

"Rachel and I both have brown eyes, maybe she'll have brown eyes too."

"Maybe, who knows." Blaine shrugged.

The three of them spent almost two hours in the nursery holding their baby girls. Kurt and Blaine had already experienced the new parent feeling, so they enjoyed watching Finn go through all the different emotions of being a new father. Finn enjoyed watching Kurt and Blaine interact with Elizabeth, with them already having two kids, he made sure to ask questions and take a few mental notes. They were just happy to finally have their daughters here with them.


Having two eight year olds at home and a newborn was more challenging than Kurt and Blaine had expected. Ari was excited to have a baby sister, now she wasn't the only girl, but Payton still hadn't quite warmed up to the idea of having a baby in the house.

"Payton, can you go get Lizzy's bottle from your dad please?" Kurt was sitting on the couch with a hungry, grumpy baby while Blaine was in the kitchen making her a bottle.

"I'm trying to do homework Papa." Payton didn't even look up from his paper.

"Let me rephrase that. Go get the bottle from your dad, it's not a question." Kurt had tried to be as nice about Payton's obvious dislike of having a new sister, but he wasn't having a very good day and he wasn't in the mood to deal with this.

"I'll get it Papa!" Ari jumped up and ran into the kitchen, coming back with the bottle. "Here you go Lizzy, now you can stop crying."

"Thank you sweetie, is your homework finished?" Kurt asked, smiling when Lizzy calmed down.

"Almost, I'm having trouble with this last math problem." Ari pouted, looking just like her dad.

"Go ask Daddy if he'll help you, he's good at math."

"Okay!" Ari grabbed her paper and ran into the kitchen.

"Payton, are you almost done with your homework?" Kurt asked, looking down to where Payton was sitting in the floor working.


"What's wrong buddy, you haven't been acting like yourself lately."

"Nothing Papa. I'm trying to finish my homework." Payton sighed, turning the page he was working on over to start on the back.

"Payton James, you pay attention to your papa when he's talking to you." Blaine said, coming onto the living room.

"I am paying attention. I'm also trying to do my homework."

"Go to the kitchen and finish it with your sister, when you're done you and I are going to have a talk." Blaine sent Payton into the kitchen, taking a seat beside Kurt.

"I don't know what's wrong with him, ever since we brought Lizzy home he's been acting like this." Kurt sighed, handing Blaine the bottle so he could burp Lizzy.

"I know what's wrong, he's jealous of Lizzy. Before we brought her home he was papa's boy, now Papa is busy with the new baby and he's jealous."

"B-but I-I-"

"It's okay Kurt, it happens a lot when you bring a new baby home. He'll get over it."

"Here, take Lizzy, it's time for her nap. I'm going to go talk to Pay." Kurt handed Lizzy over to Blaine and headed into the kitchen.

Payton was sitting at the table twirling his pencil in his fingers, staring at his completed paper. He looked up when Kurt walked in but immediately looked back down. "Does the baby need another bottle or something?"

"No, I want to talk to you. Are you finished with your homework?" Kurt asked, sitting down beside Payton.

"Yes." Payton handed Kurt his paper. "You want to talk to me?"

"Yes I do. I think I know why you've been acting like this and I want to talk to you about it."

"Acting like what?"

"You're worried that I'm replacing you with Lizzy, so you're acting like you don't like her."

Payton didn't say anything, he just stared at the table.


"I like her, I just- I miss spending time with you and Daddy. It's like all that matters now is the baby."

"Oh Payton, that's not true. You still matter to us, you matter very much. You're our son and we love you just as much as we always have, we just have to make room for the baby too. She can't take care of herself yet, she needs me and Daddy to help her. Just because we are spending time with her doesn't mean we have replaced you, we could never, ever replace you."

Payton felt tears well up in his eyes. "I'm sorry Papa, I'm so sorry Papa."

Kurt pulled Payton into a hug, trying to sooth him. "It's okay buddy, don't worry, it's okay."

"P-Papa can we watch Scooby-Doo?" Payton asked, looking up at Kurt with pleading blue eyes.

"Sure buddy, of course we can. Let's go get daddy and we'll watch it together." Kurt stood up, and held out his hand for Payton.

"Papa, can it be just me and you?"

"Sure, whatever you want." Kurt smiled, leading Payton into the living room to pick out his favorite Scooby-Doo movie.

"Thanks Papa, I love you."

"I love you too Payton, don't ever think I don't." Kurt popped the movie in and settled in on the couch with Payton, glad to see his son smiling again.


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