Feb. 25, 2014, 6 p.m.
Feb. 25, 2014, 6 p.m.
Oneshot based on the spoiler pictures and video we got from filming of 5x15. Kurt's walking home from a night out with Rachel when he sees someone being attacked. He runs to help them, getting hurt in the process.When Kurt doesn't come home on time, Blaine and Rachel go in search of him, finding him unconscious in the alley.
I couldnt stop thinking about those pictures... so I had to write something for it.
-Krystal :) x
Blaine wasn't too worried when Kurt wasn't back at the time he said he would be, he knows what it's like when Kurt and Rachel get together. He wasn't even worried when Kurt didn't text him and let him know he'd be running late, Kurt probably didn't even realize how late it was. So instead of trying to call him or Rachel, Blaine waited. He waited an hour and a half before he started to actually worry, but still he wasn't that worried, maybe Kurt's phone died and he couldn't call Blaine.
“He could've borrowed Rachel's.” Said the little voice in the back of his head that was becoming persistently louder as time went on without word from either Kurt or Rachel.
After two hours of waiting with no call to say why Kurt was so late, Blaine was officially worried. He hadn't asked Kurt where exactly he and Rachel were going so his only option was to call one of them and hope for an answer. He dialed Kurt first, praying for him to pick up. When he heard Kurt's voicemail his heart dropped to his stomach. Something was wrong. He tried Rachel's phone, expecting her to not pick up either, so he was shocked when he heard her answer in her usual happy tone.
“Is Kurt with you?” Blaine asked, not even bothering to say hello.
“No, why would he be? We left the restaurant two hours ago. Did he not come home?” Rachel could tell by Blaine's tone that he was extremely close to losing it.
“He hasn't made it back yet. I tried to call him but I got his voicemail. God Rachel, what if-”
“Don't, I'm sure he's fine.” Of course she didn't actually believe that, but she didn't want to upset Blaine anymore than he already was.
“I have to find him Rachel. Will you-”
“I'll come get you and we'll retrace his steps. We'll find him Blaine.” Rachel said, already slipping into her jacket and letting Elliot know where she was going.
“Please hurry.” Blaine whispered before hanging up. Why was Kurt walking home alone? He should've just gotten a cab back to their apartment. Why hadn't he called yet?
When Rachel arrived at Kurt and Blaine's apartment, she could tell that Blaine was barely keeping himself together. She also knew that they had to find Kurt and they didn't have time to stand around and chat. “You ready?”
“Let's go.” Blaine said with a nod, closing and locking the door behind them.
“It's only a five minute walk from here to the restaurant, so I'm not sure what you're expecting us to find.” Rachel said as they stepped out into the cold New York night.
“I just want to find him, something happened, I can feel it. He would've called by now if he could.”
“Maybe he just got lost.” Rachel suggested.
“Rachel, I know you're just trying to help, but don't. Please.” Blaine pulled his coat together, sticking his hands in his pockets. It's far too cold for Kurt to be out here for this long.
They were almost to the restaurant when Rachel grabbed Blaine's arm. “Do you hear that?”
“Hear what? I don't hear any-”
“Shh! I hear something, it's coming from over there.” Rachel pointed towards a dark alleyway.
“Rachel, I don't think we should-”
“Blaine! Get over here now!” Rachel called back to where he was still standing on the sidewalk.
Hearing Rachel scream like that could only mean one thing and it made Blaine's heart drop to his stomach. He couldn't get his feet to move, it was like his brain had just stopped working when he heard Rachel call for him.
“BLAINE! NOW!” Rachel called after him again.
Forcing himself to move towards where Rachel's voice was coming from, Blaine prayed that he wasn't going to find what he was thinking he was going to find. He wasn't sure if he could handle it.
“Blaine get over here now, please.” Rachel looked up at him, cradling Kurt's bruised and bloody head in her hands.
“I-is he- is h-he-” Blaine couldn't get the words out, he couldn't think about that right now.
“He's breathing, but he's unconscious. I called 911.”
“W-what happened?”
“It looks like he was attacked.” Rachel answered, wiping at the tears that were streaking her face. “What was he doing back here? He shouldn't have been back here.”
Blaine didn't say anything, he just stood there staring at Kurt's beaten and bloody body. Why did this happen to Kurt? Why wasn't he there to protect him?
“I think I hear the ambulance.” Rachel said as the sounds of sirens got closer to where they were. “It's going to be okay, he's going to be okay.”
Kurt woke up with a massive headache, or to be more precise, he woke up with a full body ache. As he looked around, he realized he wasn't at home, he was in the hospital and Blaine was sitting in the chair beside his bed asleep. He noticed how tired Blaine looked, even if he was sleeping. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was leaving the restaurant after his and Rachel's night out and- oh. He remembers hearing people screaming from the alleyway and seeing someone getting attacked. He'd ran to help.
“Kurt?” Blaine had woken up while Kurt was trying to remember.
“Hey.” Kurt winced at how hoarse he sounded. How long had he been here?
“Kurt thank god! I was so worried!” Blaine leaned forward to take Kurt's hand in his gently.
“How long have I been here?”
“Rachel and I found you last night. What happened Kurt?”
“I left the restaurant and I heard people in the alleyway and when I looked I saw some guy getting attacked. I couldn't just walk away, I had to try to do something. That's the last thing I remember.”
“Kurt you could've- what if you- Kurt.” Blaine couldn't hold himself together anymore. He almost lost Kurt, he almost lost his fiancé.
“Hey, I'm fine. Well I'll be fine. It's going to take a lot more than some stupid homophobe to take me away from you Blaine.”
“I just- I could've lost you and I can't- Kurt I can't lose you. Promise me I won't lose you.”
“You're not going to lose me Blaine, I promise. We're going to get married and live happily ever after just like we planned.”
“I love you so much Kurt.”
“I love you too Blaine.” Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hand. He knows it's going to take some time to get over this, but he has Blaine, so everything will be okay.