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I'll Be Here for You

Drabble Prompt:"Kurt gets beat up and hits his head really hard or something and it causes him to lose parts of his memory therefore he has no clue who Blaine is and Blaine has to try and make Kurt remember who he is."

K - Words: 906 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
1,111 0 0 1
Categories: Angst, Crime, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: OMG CREYS, hurt/comfort,

Blaine was walking out of the Chem lab. He had been gone last week because of a nasty stomach bug and had to take a test. His heart dropped when he saw a crumpled figure lying in the snow by Kurt’s truck.


Blaine rushed to the snow bank. There was blood, a lot of it.

“Come on Kurt, wake up. Please wake up.” Blaine held Kurt’s hand and dialed 911 with his other. After he was assured there was someone on the way he called Burt and Finn.

“What the hell happened?” Finn ran up to the bank and tears filled his eyes. His baby brother was sitting there broken. Really broken.

“I found him here. It’s my fault I told him I’d be out late because of a test I had to make up. If I had been here… Oh my God.”

“Blaine it’s not your fault.”

When the ambulance arrived Finn picked Kurt up, who seemed so fragile now, and handed him to the men with the stretcher. They watched as the paramedics worked frantically over him. They watched as the doors closed and Blaine prated for the first time in years.

Finn drove Blaine to the hospital.

“Blaine it’s not your fault.” Finn put a hand on Blaine’s shoulder. He didn’t respond he just tried to keep the harsh sobs that hurt his lungs inside. He had just given Kurt a promise ring. A promise ring made of gum wrappers that had been on Kurt’s hand when Blaine had found him. He didn’t know if the hospital would throw it out so Blaine had put it in his pocket. He fumbled with the paper the entire drive there.

They were sitting in the lobby when a grave faced doctor walked up to them. Burt had arrived a few minutes earlier and hugged both of them tightly.

Blaine started to talk but the doctor held up a hand.

“Kurt is in a medical induced coma so we can control the swelling in his brain. However, it’s already going down. We think he’s going to be okay. He’s breathing on his own. The only other thing we found were fractures in his ribs. Those will heal on their own. Mr. Hummel, your son is very lucky.”

Burt nodded and breathed for the first time in what seemed like years.

“I have to warn you though, when we allow visitors there’s a small chance there could be memory loss. So please be careful.”

What if Kurt had forgotten Blaine?


Blaine walked into the hospital room a week later. The swelling had gone down and Kurt was responding, but they had kept it to family only because he’s more likely to remember family.

“Kurt, oh Kurt. How do you feel honey?” Blaine ran in and took Kurt’s hand. He just stared at him with wide eyes.

“Hi. I’m Kurt, what’s your name?”

“What? I’m Blaine. Your boyfriend.”

“I have a boyfriend?” Kurt tilted his head in confusion.

Blaine crumpled to the floor and started to cry. Kurt had no idea who he was. At all.


A few weeks later after several attempts to trigger Kurt’s memory Blaine finally got an idea. After getting it okay’d Blaine was sitting in Kurt’s driveway waiting for the taller boy to emerge. When he did Blaine got out and opened the door for him.

“Where are we going?” Kurt’s eyes were vacant. Usually looking at Kurt he could see the love they had for each other. This was an unknowing stare.

“I just want to show you a couple places where I used to hang out.”


Blaine blinked his eyes to keep the tears from falling. He turned on the radio and listened to Kurt’s beautiful voice fill the cab of the truck.

First Blaine took him to Dalton. He held his hand out and was slightly relieved when Kurt took it.

“Kurt, I’m going to make you remember me. No matter how long it takes.”

Kurt just nodded, not like he understood but more like he was going along with it out of curiosity.

“This is where we met. This staircase. You came to spy on our Glee club.”

Blaine ignored the questions in Kurt’s eyes and pulled on his hand lightly to take him to the common room.

“This is where we sang Baby it’s Cold Outside. And this is where we had our first kiss.”

Blaine pointed to different places, even played a few keys on the piano. The vacant stare was still in Kurt’s eyes.

Blaine took him to The Lima Bean. He had no hopes, but he’d give it a try.

“This is where we had our first date. And most of them after that. And this..” Blaine had him sit down at a table. “This is where I told you I loved you for the first time.”

Kurt’s eyes filled with tears. Blaine just sat motionless.

“I remember you.”

Blaine jumped up and hugged Kurt. He cried into the crook of his neck.

“Blaine, shh sweetie it’s okay. We’re okay.” Kurt breathed in the now familiar scent.

“These past couple weeks have been so lonely without you.”

“I promise to never do it again.” Kurt rubbed Blaine’s back.

“Speaking of promises, do you remember the ring?” Blaine waited to see how far Kurt could remember.

“I thought it was on my finger. Oh no did someone take it?” Kurt checked his pockets and hands. He looked at Blaine with frightened eyes until he saw the little paper ring in Blaine’s hands.

“I love you so much.” Kurt slipped it on and just stood there holding Blaine. Making up for the days they had lost.

“I love you too.”


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