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Here for You

Drabble Prompt: "I just really want to know from where and to where were Klaine going hand in hand and what were they up to after Regionals. so can you plz write that? :)"

K - Words: 420 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
798 0 1 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Blaine was taking a sip of water after their performance for Regionals when Kurt came up and intertwined his thin fingers with Blaine’s.

“Hey, I wanna show you something.”

Blaine raised an eyebrow, but Kurt just smiled and tugged him towards the exit. They practically ran down the hallway to a door that usually led to a janitors closet.

“Close your eyes.” Kurt blinked at Blaine, who obeyed and clung tighter to Kurt’s hand.

He heard the click of a door and then all of a sudden there were smells and warmth at the other side of the doorway.

“Open them.”

Blaine opened his eyes and saw a closet that had been decorated with candles and flowers. In the middle was a picnic and a scrapbook.

“With everything going on lately, we never got to celebrate being together for a year.” Kurt stared shyly at his shoes.

“Oh. Kurt.” Blaine lunged forward, hugging Kurt tightly before glancing at the scrapbook.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a bunch of our pictures and stuff that I put together. Nothing special.”

Blaine rolled his eyes at the ‘nothing special’ and sat down, holding out his arms as an invitation for Kurt. The taller boy sat down and nuzzled Blaine’s neck before reaching forward and grabbing the scrapbook. He opened it and saw a picture of him when he was younger with a bowl on his head and flower covering him from head to toe. He laughed.

“Where’d you get this?”


Blaine shuddered at the thought of what other pictures he’d shown Kurt and turned the page. Inside it were silly pictures of them from Dalton, and ones from after they’d gotten together. There was their prom ticket and picture, a pair of ticket stubs to the first movie they saw, and a poem on the very last page.

I promise to love you for as long as I live,

I promise to take much less than I give.

Your bow-ties and cardigans captured my heart,

I fought the feelings though I knew from the start.

You were there when I needed to be picked up the most,

You talked to my dad, who gave me pamphlets and toast.

I’m not good at romance, forgive me for that,

and my interesting fashion choices, especially my hats.

With a homemade ring you gave a promise to me,

to love and to cherish and to never leave.

I promise the same to you Blaine Anderson today,

I promise to love you, not matter what comes our way.

Blaine glanced up and met Kurt’s teary eyes before pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

“Happy Anniversary. I love you so much.”

“I love you more.”


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This was awesome and so incredibly sweet.