Cigarette Smoke Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Cigarette Smoke

Drabble prompt:"Klaine prompt please? where Kurt is stressed out because the NYADA (sp?) repies will come back soon and Quinn gave him a pack of cigraettes to help him calm down but he refuses but then he breaks and smokes a few and Blaine finds him smoking and instead of being mad like Kurt thought he would he is actually pretty turned on (;"

K - Words: 358 - Last Updated: Mar 04, 2012
849 0 0 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Quinn Fabray,
Tags: established relationship,

Kurt was sitting in the library holding his head in his hands. He only had to wait three days to find out if he was going to NYADA. Three days.

He tapped his foot impatiently. School would be out in a few minutes and he could leave study hall. Not that he wouldn’t be playing the same waiting game when he got home, but he could release the nervous tears that he had to hold back.

When the bell rang he sprung from his seat and cut across the football field. He was walking under one of the bleachers when he heard someone whisper his name.

“Kurt. Hey Kurt.”

Quinn was standing there and leaning against a cement wall with flicking a cigarette. She took a drag and eyed Kurt.

“Hello. Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I saw you flipping out in the library. What’s on your mind?”

Kurt had to keep from flinching. Quinn had changed so much. She used to be a quiet well mannered girl. Now he wouldn’t be surprised if she pulled a knife on him or something.

“Just waiting for my NYADA acceptance.. or rejection.” Kurt sighed. He felt like screaming or pulling his hair out.

“Here kid, take one.” Quinn shook her pack of cigarettes so one slid out into Kurt’s palm.

“No thank you.” Kurt handed it back.

“I’m telling you it will help.” Quinn walked away leaving the pack and matches there. “See you Kurt. Good luck.”

For a moment she reminded him of old Quinn. “Thank you.”

Kurt glanced to see if she was out of sight. One couldn’t hurt could it?

He grabbed a cigarette and glanced over his shoulder as he lit the match and burned himself. He mumbled a curse to himself and put the cigarette to his lips. He breathed and felt his body relax.

“Kurt! There you are. Woah.” Blaine stopped in his tracks and Kurt quickly put the cigarette out.

“I’m sorry I was just stressed and Quinn gave it to me.”

“It’s okay. Well it’s not okay but we’ll pretend it is. Okay?” Blaine pinned Kurt against the wall and started to kiss him. He tasted like smoke but that was the least of Blaine’s worries.



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